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Jeff is home/next surgery:scapula fusion

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2002 2:02 pm
by DebilynPiper
We got home around 10:00 this morning. Jeff is in a good deal of pain but not from where you'd think. He has a blister to the right of his spine, just below the shoulder blade, a little larger than a fifty cent piece. The Dr. said they put something under his back so his shoulder would drop down to the table. He was in surgery for twelve hours, so I guess that would do it. It's really difficult for him to get comfy. But other than that he's doing really well. The Dr. was surprised how good he was doing the day after surgery. He said he looked great. The next thing they want to do is a scapula fusion. Can anyone tell me more about it? We have to go to the Dr. in ten days so I would like to be a little prepared when we do. But I just wanted to keep everyone informed on how Jeff is doing and say thanks for the support. Without all the info you guys gave me, I don't think I would have been able to deal with this. Debi

Re: Jeff is home/next surgery:scapula fusion

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2002 4:47 pm
by Bridget
Glad to hear you are home safe...I know nothing about the surgery you mention, but hopefully someone will respond who does :)

Take care, all the best to Jeff.


Re: Jeff is home/next surgery:scapula fusion

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2002 4:51 pm
by jennyb
Hi Debi, glad Jeff's doing well. Can't help with the surgery ? but hopefully someone will. Keep us posted! Jen NZ

Re: Jeff is home/next surgery:scapula fusion

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2002 5:57 pm
by George
Howdy Debi......thanks for the update. Sounds like great news about Jeff's surgery !! Time to play the waiting game for a while, huh. Sorry, but I'm no help with scapular fusion.....know nothing about it. Hopefully someone will post who does. Be sure and tell the hubby hello. Maybe soon all of this surgery stuff will be a blur, and you and Jeff can move on. Hang in there :o)


Re: Jeff is home/next surgery:scapula fusion

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2002 8:05 pm
by Joy in FL
So glad he is home. Being home after surgery is always the best thing! I am one of those people that as soon as I wake up I am ready to go home!! Of course I must admit I love having three meals a day delivered with no clean up!

I can't help with scapula fusion questions either. I am sure someone here can.


Re: Jeff is home/next surgery:scapula fusion

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2002 5:26 am
by mikeyb
Hi again Debi. I'm glad to hear you are both home safe and sound.

I can't really help with the scapular fusion. All I know is that my surgeon examined my back muscles quite closely ( many times ) before performing my bp reconstruction. Many of those muscles may end up having to take up the slack if the shoulder / arm muscles can't carry the limb completely on it's own. So they look at that closely in tandem with the use they think you'll regain from surgery.

They must feel confident that doing a scapular fusion on Jeff will give him alot more stability and control over his arm in the long run.

I'm suprised they want him back for another surgery so soon after the nerve transfers ? ( I waited 3 weeks before even resuming assisted physical therapy ). They waited a few weeks so those nerves could begin to heal, then they checked my progress movement wise and we worked from there.

On the other hand they may want to use his scapula muscle ( which works ) to feed the lower arm and to that end, get it sending signals to the rest of the limb.

The bottom line is the surgical team is looking both physically and neurologically to sort Jeff's injury out so he will have the best possible long term outcome.

Two questions I would ask the surgeon are " is this surgery absoulutely nessesary ? " and " what are the long term effects / benefits ? ".

We all end up weighing the pro's and con's at some point. As a freind of mine once said " those surgeons like to keep their black art to themselves " and that they do.

Best wishes to both of you, Mike :)

Re: Jeff is home/next surgery:scapula fusion

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2002 12:40 am
by admin
This may be a little late, but I have had the scapula fusion. Without turning you off, it was a little concerning when you think of the range of motion you lose. On the other side, I had little to nothing holding my arm up, and this offered a lot of stability. I am pretty active, and have fell on it quite a few times, (snowboarding, skateboarding) I'm sure my doctors would not appreciate this but that shoulder is really on there. It still is not completly stable, I can feel the crackle and pop from time to time. But, it keeps me from being in a sling all the time. Was it you guys who did the intercostal nerve transfer? I have had that to, along with a grizilis muscle tranfer...Let me know what's up.

Re: Jeff is home/next surgery:scapula fusion

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2002 9:43 pm
by DebilynPiper
Thanks for replying. Sounds like you're doing pretty good. Yes, it was Jeff who had the intercostal. How well did yours work? It's only been 3 weeks since Jeffs. And what is a grizilis muscle transfer? That's a new one for me. I know I ask alot of questions, I would just like to know what lies ahead for us. Thanks, Debi

Re: Jeff is home/next surgery:scapula fusion

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2002 11:36 pm
by ocnsky
Grizilis muscle is in your inner thigh within your leg, Spelling? Considering my bicep had deteriated they removed the bicep and replaced it with the grizilis. This ment that there was an active muscle awaiting the signal. It has been over a year and a half to no avail, I can feel the muscle contract, but there has been little more than that. It is a hard road, and the elbow flexion would not be that significant considering the rest of my arm is useless. But jeff could possibly gain signifigant use. All depends on the extent of injury. I am done with surgery for a while, unless there is pain surgery! Please have fun, life can still march within this minor setback!

Re: Jeff is home/next surgery:scapula fusion

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2002 7:02 am
by Dave m
Hi, thanks for the update. I found the pain meds after shoulder surgery made me fall asleep all the time like a baby,, its important to get plenty of rest. Don't know about the fusion surgery but asking the doc his overall gameplan should give you more idea, good luck!