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E-Stim to build muscle mass

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2002 3:01 am
by AK1999

What kind of results have you seen with e-stim?
Have you noticed any increased muscle mass?
Increased strength?
Toddler reaction to estim?

Thanks !!!!!!!

Re: E-Stim to build muscle mass

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2002 3:28 am
by browning93
We noticed increased function and muscle mass. Started at age 2 with the tickle machine and never really had any problems with acceptance.Doesn't hurt if done properly.Your therapist should give you minimum and maximum settings.DEFINITELY WORTH IT!!!!!!!! LeeAnne

Re: E-Stim to build muscle mass

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2002 11:51 am
by Stacy in NM
Ditto to LeeAnn's response. Natalie's not crazy about it--she says it "stingy tingles", but she has some really sensitive spots. We haven't seen alot of shoulder improvement (still trying though), but there's noticeable improvement in her tricep. Good luck!