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Hi, it's been a while...

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 10:42 pm
by kim_vtech
Hello! It's been a while since I'm posted on this site. I really don't have an excuse so I won't even try to justify my absence.

A lot of things have happened to me since then. Some good things and some bad things... I'll start with the bad thing first. The drunk driver who hit me had his traffic case on August 4th. The judge sentenced him to two days in jail. Only two days!!! The reason for this was because it was a plea agreement. He would plead guilty to reckless driving instead of being tried for DWI. The man owned a landscaping company and if he was found guilty on DWI charges, he would lose his company and his employers would be without a job. I agreed to the plea offer but when I saw his wife cry tears of joy, I got so upset. I know he deserve a lot more than what he's getting and that's what frustrates me. I'm starting to cry so I'll jump on to another topic.

Let's jump to the good things, shall we? I'm in college now, woohoo! Though I'm not at Virginia Tech anymore, I decided to go to a more academic university and so far, so good! Most of the time, I feel like a normal person. But there are a few times it's incredibly hard to cope. Overall, a good experience so far...though I'm not getting along with the roomie. She's a morning person whereas I'm a night person. But anyways...

Another good thing is that I'm headed back to Mayo on September 7th. It's been 6 months. Hopefully this time my tendon will be strong enough for the transfer. I hope and pray that it is so I can finally have peace of mind. I've been scheduled for two mri and an!

OK, I have to head back to the books. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Looking into the future with a more positive look,


Re: Hi, it's been a while...

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 9:16 am
by cbe411
Kim glad to hear that htings are on the up swing.... it really is amazing.... the more accepting you are of life and how it changes, the easier things are! Keep it up with school.... Keep us posted.....


Re: Hi, it's been a while...

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:22 am
by Karl w/ a K

Great to hear from you. It sucks about the guy who hit you, but don't waste your time dwelling on it. Sounds like you have already moved on to bigger and better things. Good for you. Good luck in school and keep us posted....Karl...

Re: Hi, it's been a while...

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:41 pm
by EllenB
Hey Kim,

Welcome back! You've been missed. So glad that you seem to be over the hump - and tell the Mayo team 'hey' for us when you head up next week.

I can relate to the bummer about the driver who hit you. We actually know the woman who hit John, through the church we used to attend - and that didn't stop her son-in-law from trying some mischief with hiding her money. Grrrr...

Take care & let us hear after your trip to Mayo.


Re: Hi, it's been a while...

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 12:02 am
by kim_vtech
Hello, I'm back from the Mayo Clinic... with a huge cast on my arm! Just wanted to update everyone on how my appt went. Had the appt on Wednesday and had the transfer on Thursday morning. Drs. Bishop and Shin operated on me and they very optimistic about the recovery!

I'm still extremely sleepy and in a lot of pain but i'm coping. i jave to go to bed now, just took percocet, but I just wanted to let everyone know about the surgery and i'll talk more about it later or if you habe any questions you want to ask, i'll answer it as soon as i can.



Re: Hi, it's been a while...

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 12:55 pm
by EllenB
Congratulations on your surgery - it's great that your tendon had strengthened enough for it. What exactly did Mayo do & what result do they expect?

Keep us posted & take care,


Re: Hi, it's been a while...

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:46 pm
by kim_vtech
Hi Ellen, the operation that I had is like John's, I think. They did a thumb fusion and moved my brachialradialis for gripping. This surgery would give me the key pinch and grip.

Is that what they did for John? How has he adjust to it?


Re: Hi, it's been a while...

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 1:36 pm
by EllenB
I'll have to get back to you on that one. He's still in a splint from the August surgery.

Take care,
