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Mountain bike injury

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 1:18 pm
by magoo62
I am a 42 year old male who broke my left collarbone while mountain biking three weeks ago. Almost immeadiately I began feeling a numbness in my left hand. I am lucky that I can move all my fingers but they are stiff and swollen. When I first went to see my orthopedic doctor he was not overly concerned, but since my hand has not improved he thinks there might be nerve damage. He sent me to a hand therapist who administered some tests and determined that I have very little sensitivity or strength in my left hand. He also suspects nerve damage. Although my fingers move, there is not much at all I can do with this hand. I am wondering if I have a BPI and what I should do next. I am assuming that an EMG or MRI would help pinpoint the problem. Finding a specialist, or for that matter much information about this seems to be rather problematic. I am in rural Colorado and don't mind traveling for a good physician. I am wondering if anyone knows someone who I could see in the Rocky Mountain region. Any advice on what I should do next would also be appreciated! I know that these injuries can sometimes heal over time, but that it can sometimes take many months or years, therefore I would like to be as proactive in treating this as possible. Any advice or help is appreciated. Thanks!


Re: Mountain bike injury

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:05 pm
by admin
Hi Bob,
Sorry to hear about your injury. I was injured in May of this year and have lost the use of 5 shoulder muscles. Everyone on this site will tell you to get to a specialist soon. I live in Kansas, and according to what I found, there are specialists in Houston, in Louisiana, and the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. I am headed to Mayo next month. Good luck and start making phone calls. Mark

Re: Mountain bike injury

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:08 pm
by orion
Hi Bob,
Sorry to hear about your injury. I was injured in May of this year and have lost the use of 5 shoulder muscles. Everyone on this site will tell you to get to a specialist soon. I live in Kansas, and according to what I found, there are specialists in Houston, in Louisiana, and the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. I am headed to Mayo next month. Good luck and start making phone calls. Mark

Re: A good Physician

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:29 pm
by admin
Hi Bob, Sorry to here about your injury. I have good news for you.... I work for Dr. Andrew Elkwood he is in New Jersey and is a very talented surgeon & speacializes in Brachial Plexus injuries. E-mail me back if you are intrested in learing more. Or you can go to our website

Re: Mountain bike injury

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:10 am
by diverdan
Hi, Bob. I was also injured on my mountain bike. I am in Colorado Springs. Only nerve specialist guys I can find in the state are Dr. Pitzer, a rehab guy and Dr. Lillehei. Here is the web site. ... ery%20.htm

My email is I'd be happy to share my experience with you so far as I was injured on May 13. See posts of diverdan, my screen name.

Re: Mountain bike injury

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:40 pm
by magoo62
Thanks for the help guys.
