car accident injury..

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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car accident injury..

Post by bdavis004 »

Hi all,
This is my 1st post here... I am trying to find some info/support on adult BPI.
I was in a car accident 9/04 and had multiple injuries requiring a long hospitalization and many tests. I had surgery to fix some orthopoedic injuries to my arms/legs but have had constant back/neck pain with pain in my shoulders, a winged out shoulder blade, and nerve entrapment all down my arm... I had surgery to release the nerve entrapment in my arm 3 months ago but it has not gotten any better and has worsened. The constant nerve popping that I feel in my neck/shoulder that goes down my arm popping like popcorn is driving me nuts!! After seeing 4 different specialists who can't agree whether I have a brachial plexus injury and if the BPI is causing thoracic outlet syndrome as well--I am exhausted. I am getting very frustrating since I have been in pain for about 11 months with constant physical therapy on my body and pain meds with no improvement. I am anxious to hear from others to see what kind of BPI they had and if/how they improved...
John K
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Re: car accident injury..

Post by John K »

you should contact Dr Teil @ LSU or Dr Nath @ texas. Both will look at your medical records and evaluate you. Dr Teil looked at my records and ordered more tests locally. With those results he decided I did have a BPi and he made an appointment for me to see him. After I saw him he described ways for him to try to help me.
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Re: car accident injury..

Post by EllenB »

I'd encourage you to add the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN to your short list of specialists to speak with. The team at Mayo primarily consists of three doctors with different specialties (ortho, hand, neuro) who work very well together - and because of the different disciplines, Mayo can offer options that aren't always available elsewhere.

Take care, keep us posted - and feel free to email me directly with questions.

Ellen Bramblett
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Re: car accident injury..

Post by creeker46 »

not sure where you live but i've done alot of research on the bpi as i have it now and a winged scapula (scapula was broken in multiple places)and have severe atrophy do to a auto accident last oct 5th 04.
i am going to a dr. julia terzis in norfolk va. she seems to have a great knowlege of this injury
hope this will help you,,
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Re: car accident injury..

Post by EllenB »

Hi Jennifer,

Just letting you know I sent you an email.
