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Completed surgery at Mayo Clinic

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:32 am
by Brian
I just completed a fourteen hour procedure,WoW I feel like I have been hit by a truck. Everything went better than planned. They thought I had c-7 c-8,and t-1 nerve avulsions. I only had two C-8 andt-1 avulsions.Some others showed som damage as well. The nerves were growing and heeling better than they thought.The doctors did a muscle and nerve transfer. They also cleaned up some of damaged nerves, meaning scar tissue etc. Now its just a waiting game and lots of theropy, I hope some of the pain I had before goes away. Best of luck to everyone else.

Re: Completed surgery at Mayo Clinic

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:40 am
by PeggyF
Wow is right, Brian!

I hope everything goest smoothly for you in recooperating and that your pain is relieved and new functions come quickly!

All the best!

Re: Completed surgery at Mayo Clinic

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 1:14 pm
by cbe411
Brian, I am glad to hear this!!! I hope that everything goes well for you and that the pain is minimized!!! Please keep us posted!!!


Re: Completed surgery at Mayo Clinic

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:26 am
by EllenB

We've already spoken but I wanted to add my 'congratulations' to the others posted here. Glad you're home, and I know you're going to give 200% to your therapy to get the best of all possible results.

John had his tweaking surgery at Mayo today - Bishop & Shin handled it since he didn't need any nerve related work done. All went very well and he should be released from the hospital by Friday at the latest.

Keep us posted on your progress!!


Re: Completed surgery at Mayo Clinic

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 9:50 am
by Brian
Thanks Ellen and everyone,its been a long road but I can see the finish line .Its just a matter of hard work with lots of theropy.Its truely amazing what these doctors can do.I would recomend the mayo clinic to anyone and everyone.

Ellen I hope everything went well with your son.Call me some time so we can discuss your sons surgery and what the doctors said to you.

Re: Completed surgery at Mayo Clinic

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:55 pm
by orion
Hi Brian, I am glad to hear that your surgery is done and that you are so committed to your PT. I go in September to Mayo to get an exam and hopefully a favorable diagnosis. May your pain be a thing of the past. Keep us posted what you are going through- it will help all of us. Mark

Re: Completed surgery at Mayo Clinic

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 3:22 pm
by Brian
Hey Mark when you get to the Mayo Clinic and meet Doctotrs Bishop ,Chinn ,and Spinner you will be amazed what they can do for you. They will be honest and rate up front with you.Every case is different they make no promises but you will be in the best care in the world. I dont know what your injuries are but don't give up.You will be surprised their is alot of people out their that have this type of injury. It sucks but with the help of these doctors etleast you have a chance of a better quality of life.

Re: Completed surgery at Mayo Clinic

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 4:29 pm
by admin

Ellen, what is tweaking surgery?


Re: Completed surgery at Mayo Clinic

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 9:08 pm
by EllenB
Hi Susana,

That's just my term for "fine tuning" the much more involved surgery done for John before. His fingers would come across into the grip with enough force that his thumb couldn't provide resistance - so Mayo has fused his thumb at the joint to give more functionality to the grip. They also adjusted the tension in his fingers.

Hope that helps - if not, ask away.


Re: Completed surgery at Mayo Clinic

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 11:05 am
by herff94
Hi Brian~
I too had a muscle transfer at Mayo, what kind was yours?
And Ellen, I'm so happy you took John to are like my mom was for me when my accident happened, she took me out of our local hosp. and flew me to Mayo. Its the best place in the world, I've had 30+ trips there and 8 surgeries. I feel its my "other home".