clothing after mod quad suggestions?

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clothing after mod quad suggestions?

Post by adamsmom »

Hi its adams nervous mom again!...i was just wondering what type of clothing should my son wear after the mod quad op? Does anyone have any brilliant ideas on how to make it easier hor him to dress with the splint on? should i get 1 or 2 or 3 sizes bigger?
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Re: clothing after mod quad suggestions?

Post by dmom »


The best thing to do is buy shirts that are a size or two bigger than the size Adam normally wears. Then cut the seam down on the injured side to create a big armhole, big enough for the splint to fit through. All you'll have to do is slip the shirt on, sleeve first, and put it over his head.

I know it's very stressful to contemplate surgery, and nervousness is part of the deal. But it will all work out great. Our son's mod quad was three years ago, and it worked beautifully! I wish your son all the best. Take care and please keep us posted on his progress!

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Re: clothing after mod quad suggestions?

Post by katep »

Our son was in an airplane splint (more out to the side, not as "up" as the SOL splint but the fitting issues are similar). I bought a bunch of second-hand button-up shirts of various sizes (second-hand so if I did have to tear out seams I wouldn't feel so bad about doing it!). He was wearing 12 or 18 month old clothes at the time, and the 2T and 3T button-up shirts fit over his cast and splint just fine. Just slide the shirt up over the cast or splint, put the other arm in and button up.

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Re: clothing after mod quad suggestions?


I agree with Kate. I asked all of my family members that have older boys for their old shirts. That way didn't feel bad about buying clothes just to cut them up.
Hope all goes great!!!
