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Just popping in to say hi!

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:41 am
by jannyscotland
Hi all! I havent been around here for a long time, but perhaps some of you may remember me?
Just thought i would pop in and say hi. This board helped me soooo much when i was going through a bad time with the Erbs. Nowadays, i just get on with it and try not to let it bother me too much!
Last year i was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia on top of everything else so had quite a bad year, but things have gotten better over the last 6 months (a complete change of diet saw to that!) and im now looking for a wee job to get me out of the house.
My eldest daughter (14) has recently been diagnosed with ADHD (ive known this all her life but getting a Doctor to admit it has been a huge hurdle!). She is now on Ritalin and has about 75% improvement!!
Are these excuses good enough for not popping in more often???? lol

As some of you know, we came to Florida last year for a holiday (vacation) and we loved it so much, guess what......we are coming back in December! I know there are a few of you in Florida, and we are going to be in Orlando (staying in WDW) for 14 nights if anyone fancies meeting up (ive still never met another OBPI and im 32!!!)
Well thats my quick update, ive bookmarked the site again so will try and pop in more regularly!!

Re: Just popping in to say hi!

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 7:18 am
by Kath
So nice to hear from you again, I wondered how you were doing. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. Sometimes real life gets in the way of posting and reading so that's a good excuse. I am glad to hear you enjoyed Fla. I live in NY and won't be in Orlando in Dec. I hope you can meet up with someone.
Have you ever been to WDW before? I am going there with my children and grandchildren in February for a week it the first time for the little ones but we have been there a few times and I love it.


Re: Just popping in to say hi!

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:14 am
by admin
Hi Kath,
Nice to speak again!
Yes we were at WDW last year, stayed one week in Pop Century and one week in the Doubletree Universal. This time its 2 weeks at All Stars Movies.... im so looking forward to it! I just hope the weather is ok in December. We are used to the cold here in Scotland, so anything more than 3 or 4 degrees centigrade is a bonus!!


Re: Just popping in to say hi!

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:30 am
by Judy-T
Hi Janny,
Yes it has been a long time since you have been on the board. Welcome back. I live about an hour away from Orlando. I would enjoy meeting up with you. I have a daughter who will be 13. Just e-mail me and let me know when you get over here. Judy (ROBPI)