Advise Needed
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 9:04 pm
My dad has left tbpi in year 2003. He used to take neurotine etc but stop for approx. 2 to 3 months now. He did feel no pain at all after approx. a few weeks but the pain started again. I suspect it is the water pill he took. He has kidney allergy after taking the neurotine for more than 1 and a half year. Now he is taking prednisolone to cure the allergy but due to water retention, he has to take the water pill hence I guess this is what that is affecting the tbpi hand now. He has not sleep for almost 2 days now coz at night he is in too much pain to lay on the bed.
I need advise on how to stop or reduce the pain. Any advise would be appreciated.
Hwee Yong
My dad has left tbpi in year 2003. He used to take neurotine etc but stop for approx. 2 to 3 months now. He did feel no pain at all after approx. a few weeks but the pain started again. I suspect it is the water pill he took. He has kidney allergy after taking the neurotine for more than 1 and a half year. Now he is taking prednisolone to cure the allergy but due to water retention, he has to take the water pill hence I guess this is what that is affecting the tbpi hand now. He has not sleep for almost 2 days now coz at night he is in too much pain to lay on the bed.
I need advise on how to stop or reduce the pain. Any advise would be appreciated.
Hwee Yong