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Children's ages on posts
Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 4:36 pm
by admin
I would love if everyone might try to remember to include your children's ages in your posts. Although I don't always remember to include it either, I try my best, and I know some people are really great about including it. I think it is so helpful to know the ages when trying to figure out this journey, and I've noticed that many times people have to ask for the age after a particularly helpful post.
I had suggested to the board that maybe it might be helpful if there was a permanent field for the child's birthday that would show up next to the subject or something like that. Anyone else agree or am I too detail-oriented.
Lexi (mom to Jason, lobpi, 11 months)
Re: Children's ages on posts
Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 5:19 pm
by admin
That's a great idea. I will always try to remember to add that in. And for any posts that I made I will say now, Ella is 3 1/2!
Re: Children's ages on posts
Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 6:51 pm
by Kath
I think it is a good idea...
But it's too depressing for me to put my age on every post... yikes it would make me feel old... LOL..
Kath Adult/obpi age 65
Re: Children's ages on posts
Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 7:19 pm
by admin
Good idea. We could just start here.
James age 12, RTBPI.
Re: Children's ages on posts
Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 7:28 pm
by Carolyn J
Unlike Kath,I'm proud of my age and every gray hair I've earned!! ha ha,Kath!
Carolyn J,AdultLOBPI
Age 67 [yikes! typing it is awesome!]
Re: Children's ages on posts
Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 7:30 pm
by PeggyUBPN
I'm not sure that the software for the message boards would accomodate that; and if it does, I'm not sure how much work it would take to make that happen, but...thanks for bringing it up.
I have two children that suffered OBPIs. Joel, 11 years old on Friday, had a "transient" LOBPI. He does have very slight residual affects in his scapula and supination.
Emma, age 9, ROBPI all nerves affected, avulsed C7, large neuroma over the rootlets of C5 &C6, the rest ovestretched beyond going back. She has had 3 surgeries to date.
Right now we are trying to overcome Emma's severe eczema outbreak. She's had it for several months, been sick off and on because she's scratched herself to the point of infection. FINALLY we were sent to a dermatologist and she is on specific ointments and allergy meds and antibiotics and it seems to be starting to clear up! She is only using oatmeal soap/shampoo, etc. No more dryer sheets and cotton and linen clothing until she is completely healed.
Re: Children's ages on posts
Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:39 pm
by marieke
OK, here goes for me...
Marieke, Adult LOBPI aged 29
Re: Children's ages on posts
Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:30 pm
My kids are Javier (Jody) age 1 and Manny age 5
Javier has ROBPI. Primary done on FEB.14 at Miami Childrens'.
Re: Children's ages on posts
Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 11:30 pm
by babyryd
I agree. I always try to include our son's age (Chase age 7 LTBPI) when I post because I think there are different issues/stages depending on their ages and type of injury.
Re: Children's ages on posts
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 1:03 am
by TNT1999
I too think it's very helpful to have this info. on posts and I try to post it esp. when I think it's relevant to what I posted. Another idea might be for people to have login IDs similar to another support board I know, where people's ID is in the format: ParentsNameChildsNameYrChildBorn, so for me I would use "TinaNicole1999" I don't know how people feel about changing login IDs, but that's just an idea. I don't know if anyone ever noticed, but I use Nicole's year of birth in my ID ("TNT1999") and the TNT actually came from the first initials of our names (Troy Nicole Tina).
~Tina (Mom to Nicole, 6 y.o. w/LBPI & Joshua, 1 y.o. w/NOBPI) *I just saw this (NOBPI) on another post and loved it. I hope the Mom doesn't mind me stealing her idea!! O:)