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Any Athletes out there?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 3:00 pm
by BrokenWingedAngel85
I am the mother of a young boy with a LOBPI. My husband, as well as his entire family, is very much into sports. We both decided from the beginning that, whether our son was injured or not, we would not push him into playing sports. However, with so many athletes around him, I'm afraid that he's going to feel left out when he's older if his arm does not heal. I was wondering if any of you had the same problem, and if you found a way to participate. Thanks so much!

Re: Any Athletes out there?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 6:18 pm
by tweetybirdkim
How old is your son?
My son is going to be 7 and plays soccer and baseball. When on his baseball team, his coach didnt recognize that he wasnt using his right arm(which is his affected arm), the coach also couldnt believe that he played so well with the injury,
All I can offer is that you encourage him to play, there are certain sports that I know he wont ever be able to play, but there are others that we are encouraging such as baseball and soccer, He also loves basketball, his form isnt that great on the affected side but he does score buckets!
Good luck,

Re: Any Athletes out there?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 7:35 pm
by hope16_05
I would not worry too much. I love to play softball and to swim. I play varsity softball at my school, I am the starting left feilder! I only swim for fun bacuse my school does not have a pool. I love phy ed classes. This year we have played hockey, volleyball, soccer, dodge ball, pickle ball, kick ball, and a couple other that I cant think of right now but I love every bit of it. My injury is not the most severe but it is not very good either. I can only raise my arm to my fore head on a good day and to my eyes or lower on bad days.

I would just encourage your little guy to try lots of different things. He does not have to be great at any of them he just has to have fun trying. If you put your mind to it you can do any thing!!!!

Amy 18 ROBPI from Minnesota

Re: Any Athletes out there?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 8:44 pm
by PinkFlamingo
I am 13, have a left arm injury with limited movement, and am VERY athletic! I have played soccer and swimteam since I was 7. My dad was my soccer coach until last year and he is a swimteam ref,(he makes sure they don't disqualify me for not touching the wall with TWO hands for breast stroke=) )I have played T-ball (at 5), gymnastics and dance (from 3-4), and basketball(at 11) all with no problems. In PE I have played football, volleyball, La Crosse, softball, and lots of other games and I am just as good (in most cases better=) ) as everybody else!

When I was in sixth grade we had field day. I entered in lots of events. One was the football throw. I threw the football farther than any of the sixth grade girls and tied with the boy who threw it the farthest. I won a blue ribbon for our class and was so proud! I can also throw AND CATCH a football better than all the kids in our neighborhood (there are several).

Next year I am going to be in Athletics (the hard version of PE) and want to do track. I can run a 7:14 mile right now and will improve when I start running daily. I look a little funny running but nobody says anything because it's hard to tell when their running BEHIND me!!!!!

It is really not an arm issue but a mental issue. Kids with this injury may automatically think they can't do something before they even try! You can play ANY sport you wanna play and do anything you wanna do! It takes some time to learn a technique that works for you but it will if you believe that you can! All you need to do is pick a sport and stick with it.


Re: Any Athletes out there?

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 10:52 am
by jep98056
I'm a 65 year old ROBPI. As a youth I played all of the sports that my friends participated in - baseball, basketball, football, swimming, volleyball, downhill skiing, etc (soccer was not a popular youth sport in the 50's otherwise I'd probably have played that too). I was interested in sports and my parents never prevented me from trying anything. Certainly my arm affected my play. My opponents learned that I tended to dribble to my left where I could protect the ball better so I looked for an open team mate to pass to. I didn't tackle very well (not necessarily due to my arm) so I played flag football instead. I found in high school that I didn't have the bat speed to hit a well thrown fastball so I started playing slow pitch. I played slow pitch competitively until I reached 50. My wife and I enjoy downhill skiing and, as retirees, we spend our winters on the slopes instead of in warmer places!!

I agree that pushing someone into sports doesn't always work. My oldest son loved to play basketball and soccer and my younger son had other non-sports oriented interests. Both have turned out to be well adjusted, functioning adults!! However, I think it is a mistake to think that just because your son has an injury that he won't be able to play sports. As you have read from other posters, he will figure out what he can and can't do and will make the necessary adjustments. If he has an interest, let him try and be there to support him in his efforts without calling attention to his injury. I'm betting that he'll have fun and enjoy spending time with his friends. Also, I bet that his friends will respect him for his participation.

John P.

Re: Any Athletes out there?

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 4:03 pm
by marieke
I was a competitive figure skater most the better part of 10 years. As well as ballet. I also did swimming and running in high school.

Re: Any Athletes out there?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 8:15 am
by rachelcasa
I think your absolutely right in not pushing him into sports however, don't limit him for the things he wants to try. He will end up knowing his own limits within time and will excel in which ever sport he feels the most comfortable in. I wanted to play sports when I was a child. I couldn't dribble the basketball with my left hand and before the games they used to make me sit in a room by myself and dribble until I thought my arm was going to fall off. Needless to say, I never pursued basketball. I did try volleyball as well. I was cut from the team due to my arm not being straight enough to bump the ball correctly. I ended up playing softball and actually did track. I threw the shot put and the discus with my good arm. I missed state by one inch! Darn it! It will be a great experience for him to try the things he likes.

Re: Any Athletes out there?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 10:52 am
by salcav
I have a 13 year old daughter with left bpi. I regret not getting her into competitive swimming. I worked with her alot in the pool when she was younger but she never had the intrest. I belive in not pushing but think I should have pushed a little harder on that one!

She loves to play lacrosse and is on a select club team. She's an excellent player. The stick balances her out and she is beginning to use her left to cradle and shoot. I think it's a great sport for bpi kids.

She also likes to shoot around with the basketball, but has not pursued it competitively. By eight grade most competive teams want the kids to dribble and shoot left handed. she practiced and practiced but was never able to do it.

She also tried fencing for a while and liked it. Very good for posture as well as is horseback riding, which she loves. She'll try rowing crew this summer. It will be a challege, but she is tiny and may end up as a cox if things don't work out.

Overall, she is very athletic and has older sisters who play sports. It has been a bit frustration for her at times but I think ,like anything, if a kid has the natural talent and interest, they can do just about anything.

Re: Any Athletes out there?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 12:47 pm
by admin
My 13-year-old daughter, ROBPI, sounds much like some of the earlier replies. She danced for three years (ages 3-6), began soccer at age 6 and has played three years of basketball, in addition to usual PE classes, etc. Her injury was not severe enough to require surgery but was just shy of that benchmark--pretty significant. She hates having to tell a new coach about her arm but we've found it works out better than for he/she to wonder what the heck is going on! PE teachers also need to be told--so much so that we are considering putting a 504 Plan in place for HS to avoid the yearly conversation/education of the educator! She can't do everything on the field and on the court but she certainly is HIGHLY competitive. She plays select soccer (doesn't do throw-ins) and select basketball (does one-handed chest passes) and has had great success. In fact, several private high schools showed interest in her soccer prowess! I agree with the earlier post--attitude is everyone. Our mantra always has been "Don't say I can't--say I'll try."
Good luck.

Re: Any Athletes out there?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 8:27 pm
by wendyz
Our daughter Stephanie just completed her freshman year of college.
She had a very successful softball season, as the pitcher of her team. We have always stood by the motto, focus on your ability and not on your disability. She worked hard and followed her dream to play college ball.