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Triangular Tilt Surgery??

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:22 pm
by jkenglert
I am trying to find out more about this surgery. We are trying to get my daughter scheduled for the 3D CT scan and get an opinion on whether she needs this surgery. How did other parents end up on this road to surgery? Another clinic said it was shoulder/chest muscles pulling her shoulder in. Will the CT scan show that it is definitely a bone issue? Please give me some input if you have had some experience with this.

Re: Triangular Tilt Surgery??

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 12:08 am
by cbe411
Read here, hope this explains it better....

Re: Triangular Tilt Surgery??

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 1:27 am
by admin
It is definitely worth getting several opinions on this and whether it's needed. Try Kozin at Shriners, PA, Waters in Boston as well as Nath. Good luck with your decision.

Re: Triangular Tilt Surgery??

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 9:37 am
by admin
If you are going to do any type of imaging then it is better to do a MRI instead. It is safer and it shows more details. You can still do the CT scan but I would not make a decision to do a surgery without doing a MRI.

Good Luck!

Re: Triangular Tilt Surgery??

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 10:52 am
by admin
It's a 3D CT scan that is used to determine if the Triangle Tilt is necessary. It's the scan that shows the scapular elevation or not. (not an mri)

Re: Triangular Tilt Surgery??

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 7:13 pm
by dmom
My son had the acromioplasty (which is what I think the TT used to be called) with great results. His shoulder had dislocated, and it was confirmed with a 3D CT scan. We're a year out from surgery, and everything is holding steady. We are very happy we went ahead with it. I've heard nothing but additional thumbs-up from the other moms I know whose kids had the acromio. Can't report anything but good things!


Re: Triangular Tilt Surgery??

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 7:21 pm
by Marie40
We, too, are trying to determine if we should have this surgery for our child. We have had the 3D Cat Scan done. Anyone..please let us know your results and how long ago your child had the surgery. Do you lose any range, movements ? We had the mod quad done several years back. Dr. Nath is awesome. Thanks.

Re: Triangular Tilt Surgery??

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 8:02 pm
by admin
My son had the triangular tilt surgery on March 3, we were surprised to see such an amazing result being in the splint still(he will be in the splint until April 14th, then he will only have to wear the splint at night) But the winging in his scapula and the lack of symmetry to his affected side are not as noticable since having the surgery,
I truly feel that the surgery was worth it and my son is only 3 weeks post opperative
If you get a chance, check out Dr. Nath's website, he has information regarding the surgery that we found very helpful,
Also, my son's PT has a patient that she sees who is from France, the son had the same triangular tilt and for 9 weeks has been without the splint and the amount of recovery that they see already is amazing, he has such external rotation that he never had as well as ROM--
Good luck, if you would like to talk more about it, feel free to email me

Re: Triangular Tilt Surgery??

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 8:04 pm
by admin
Just so you know, the day before we were to have my son's surgery, Dr Nath sent him for a stand up MRI, the MRI is very kid friendly and my son was not nervous and was able to sit for it for the whole time, they let him watch movies and were very friendly--When we went to Dr Nath later that day with the films, I was amazed with the views and angles that we were able to view that a 3D CAT Scan wasnt able to show--Good Luck!