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Anyone with Lower Back Problems?
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 3:14 pm
by CyndiAnn
I'm new to the Message Board & am thrilled to have discovered it!
I've just turned 50 years old, & have been experiencing lower back pain for quite a few years. My right shoulder, arm and hand are affected by OBPI (didn't even know it had a name until a few years ago!), leaving these areas, along with my neck very painful @ times. I know that my back is curved because of the way I carry my shoulder. Chiropractic has helped lessen the pain, but not eliminate it.
Just wondering if anyone else has had the same experience. Would love to hear from you!
Re: Anyone with Lower Back Problems?
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 4:09 pm
by hope16_05
Welcome to the message boards.
I have been having some lower back pain but often I ignore it. It does not hurt to where I cant move or anything like that but it still hurts. But then I have never gone to a chiropractor either so it is my fault for not fixing it.
I hope that you pain goes away,
Amy (18 ROBPI)
Re: Anyone with Lower Back Problems?
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 4:15 pm
by njbirk
I expect you'll be hearing soon from Kathleen Mallozzi as she has been experiencing excruciating pain in her lower back for the last several months and just had an MRI earlier this week.
I occassionally had lower back pain, but none since I went on a medication for my arthritis in my shoulders a few years ago. That seemed to have resolved the pain I would get periodically in my back as well.
Nancy (51 years, LOBPI)
And btw, WELCOME! And if you want Outreach (UBPN's magazine, free subscription, just email me --
Re: Anyone with Lower Back Problems?
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 4:35 pm
by admin
Wow! It was wonderful to get such quick responses!
One of the reasons that I want to know if others have had lower back problems, is because lately (within the last 9 months), I have somehow sustained stress fractures in both of my legs. In August of 2004, I had an MRI which confirmed the fracture in my right tibia. Last week, a bone scan confirmed an identical fracture in my left tibia. There seems to be no explanation for these fractures & I've been tested for Osteoporosis. The test was negative.
My orthopedic doctor has suggested that I see an endocrinologist for further testing.
To make a long story short, I'm wondering if the fractures in my legs could be a result of my lower back problem and is indirectly a result of the Erb's Palsy. I know it sounds crazy, but I can think of no other explanation!
I am desperately trying to stay positive, but I must admit this thing has really got me down. I am usually a very positive person.
I'd love to hear from anyone about this crazy sitution!
Re: Anyone with Lower Back Problems?
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 4:37 pm
by Kath
Welcome to the message boards... Yes I have had lower back pain along with the "normal" OBPI upper back for years... but recently I have had so much pain and when it began to extend down both legs I decided I had to give in and realize this was not a matter of resting or doing exercise... so I had an MRI and the test shows I have spinal Stenosis of the lumbar region. ... cle239.htm
However, I have had MRI of the upper back and they say the doctors say the same thing, along with herniation buldging etc..
It really is only one spinal column but they examine each part according to your symptoms...
They claim that it can come as part of the aging process however those of us with injured backs, necks and the trauma of our birth injuries seems to bring it on sooner for some of us. I have always had what the doctors called a "bad", weak back... of course no one ever mentioned that it was part of this birth injury... As a teenager and in my early twenties I asked why I always had problems with my back and my peers did not... They just said I had a bad back and I never once connected it to obpi.
I am glad you posted it is nice to know that we are no longer alone and have a place to chat and ask our questions.
Kath - Kathleen M.... 65 right OBPI.
Re: Anyone with Lower Back Problems?
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 5:31 pm
by rachelcasa
I found this very interesting. I have been working out quite a bit doing a lot of strenth training exercises. Although I tend to strain my neck a little bit my lower back has just been killing me lately. I threw a piece of wood in the fireplace the other day and this terrible pain when all through my lower back and down my left leg. Everyone keeps telling me I should go to a chiropractor however, I have never gone due to my injured arm. I'm afraid they would mess me up worse then I already am. I know something needs to be done but how can one stay fit and (not so skinny) *L* while trying to work out. It hurts!! Help!!
Re: Anyone with Lower Back Problems?
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 6:24 pm
by CyndiAnn
Hi Rachel!
I have been blessed to be the patient of a very wonderful Chiropractor. He has helped me greatly with the shoulder & neck pain that I've experienced from my ROBPI. He has also helped to relieve the pain in my lower back (relieve, not eliminate).
I guess it's best to check with friends & family in your area to see if they can recommend a Chiropractor whom they trust. But before I would agree to any treatment, I would make sure that he/she is familiar with Erb's Palsy/Brachial Plexus Injury.
The treatments do not help overnight, unfortunately. After a few treatments, I started to feel better. But once you start the treatments, you have to keep up with them, or, as I discovered, the severe pain returns.
I'm sure that my problem with my legs is not because of too much exercise! I'm struggling to lose 50 pounds, & had not yet started an exercise program. Now I'll have to wait until my leg heals.
Your leg pain could certainly be caused by a back problem.
Wish I had better answers for you. I hope you are able to find relief!
Re: Anyone with Lower Back Problems?
Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 10:06 am
by Mel4fitness
Hi Cyndi,
I'm a 33 ROBPI and have suffered from lower pack pain my whole life. Whe I was young, I was diagnosed with mild scoliosis but from workouts somehow my back has straightened out. I always do lower back exercises to keep that area strong. I also have a disc herniation in my neck, I really think all these problems come from my OBPI.
Good luck to you!
Re: Anyone with Lower Back Problems?
Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 1:22 pm
by admin
I am experiencing lower back and neck pain, shoulder pain pretty severally at the moment. I have always just lived with the "pain" but this time I actaully started taking pain medication. I am 33, ROBPI and have had multiple surgeries.
Question for the ladies ~ I was recently approached by a doctor about a breast reduction to elimiate "pressure". I am not small but I am not huge either... any comments?
Re: Anyone with Lower Back Problems?
Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 7:28 pm
by Kath
Moving this up for Tracy 1972