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teens w/ bpi

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 4:27 pm
by SKIerra9
Any teens with bpi who play any sports, maybe ski or do gymnastics?

Re: teens w/ bpi

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:24 pm
by admin
My 13 year old, Molly, has always played sports. When she was 5 she started softball. At age 9 she won the "Sportsmanship of the Year" Award. She would catch the ball..drop the mitt.. and then throw it back. She was never self-conscience. She's played soccer and basketball every season since she was 5. In basketball her arm kind of locks down when she runs, and she does all of her lay ups left handed. In soccer, her only obstacle is that she cannot throw the ball in when it goes out, because both arms have to be over your head. Coaches have always been thrilled to have her on the team...and not because of a charity case...a kid with determination, drive, and courage is an awesome thing to watch. Molly started water skiing at age 7...although we just found out when we were in Houston for her surgery two weeks ago, that they don't really like the water skiing. It puts a lot of stress on her BPI arm and too much stress on her good arm. Besides that, they told her to do anything else. Playing sports has prevented her from self esteem problems too. If anyone does notice (which is rare) she's always said, "I have a weakness in my right arm" and the other kid says, "Oh...pass the ball", and Molly says, "No"!

Re: teens w/ bpi

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 7:40 pm
by SKIerra9
wow thats awesome, i'm 17 and doing sports has really helped me become confident in myself and my abilities, so it's great to hear that there are other teen with bpi going out there and giving different sports a true, when most people said we can't or shouldn't. My parents have always been very supportive and incouraged me to try different sports, and i've done everything from rock climbing, flying trapeze, to martial arts, and i curently race on a alpine ski team, and just finished up my gymnastics season. I must say gymnastics was one of the most hardest sports to do, but it really helped me with my balance and cordination, however i do get strange looks and many remarks when i do a gymnastics skill (like a handstand or vault) one handed because of the length and stength difference. So good luck and best wishes with all the sports playing days to come, i think it's great your daughter has gotten so into sports even w/ a bpi. -Serra from MA USA

Re: teens w/ bpi

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 11:23 pm
by hope16_05
I think that it is great that you play so many sports. I really have only seriously played softball. I have been playing that since I was in third grade. I love it. You say you go rock climbing, I have a couple questions. First how much can you do with your arm and hand(like do you have good hand function, and bicep/tricep strength)? And do you have any advice because I want to try rock climbing, and it seems very hard. I will get my chance to try this when I go for my college orientation in June, and I cant wait. I am just a little unsure as to if I will be able to do it.
Amy (18 on Monday, ROBPI, MN, USA)
If you want to email me feel free (

Re: teens w/ bpi

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 10:40 am
by SKIerra9
To answer your question about rock climbing, i have limited hand function, and limited stength in my arm so i get tired very fast, i often rest a bit when i can and hold on with just my right arm. The next day i was really sore, but it almost feels good because i know i've used those muscels that i done usually use. So what college are you going to visit? I'm looking at university of vermont, Ithaca college, and plymouth state university in NH. Good luck with the rock climbing, it's lots of fun, just go slow, oh and i don't know what your rang of motion is but it might be helpful to use your good arm to help reach up. If you want to talk or have any other question i'd love to talk, you can e-mail me at

Re: teens w/ bpi

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:55 pm
by Stuck in NC
This is my first post here so I just want to say hi to all of you. Anyway I've played soccer pretty much every year since I was 5. I even coached an instructional team (little kids). Now, I also ref the younger kids games and have a good time doing it.
So that's my five cents on this topic and I hope to talk to you guys some more.

Re: teens w/ bpi

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:42 am
by SKIerra9
That's great, i love working with kids too, they are just so much fun to be around.

Re: teens w/ bpi

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 3:59 pm
by SKIerra9
I had a radius osteotomy about three years ago, (i was 14 years old) by doctor Peter Waters at Boston Childrens Hospital. I had it done to put my hand in a more neutral position.(they cut and rotated the radius and put some plates and screws in to help support) It makes it earier to do many things such as type on the computer, do my own hair, it also looks more natural. The rehab was not that bad, some pt and stength stuff. I'm not sure what else you would like to know, but feel free to ask any questions and i'll try to get back to you as soon as possible. -sierra

Re: teens w/ bpi

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:01 am
by hope16_05
How old is Morgan? I am 18 and just recently learned how/gained enough muscle to do my hair. Did they give the suggested surgery for your daughter a name, like is is just a tendon transfer or mod quad... Either way good luck with your decision,

Re: teens w/ bpi

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 11:26 am
by SKIerra9
A, to answer some of your questions, i had a muscle transfer first when i was in 6th grade. That was a much long recovery process, much more pt, but a good choice. Then in the osteotomy when i was in 9th grade. I do have good hand function, and i was a able to do a lot before the surgery however i'm REALLY glad that i did go ahead and do i becuase it did makea it just a little easier to do the things i already could and more. Personaly the muscle tranfer was more intense, i'm sure if that was becuase i had never had sugery before, but i would have had a really hard time if i had done both at once. Has morgan had any other surgeries? How much hand rotation doe she already have? one more thing after the osteotomy i was able to put more weight on that arm, and i think the long run help me gain more strength. I'm really to help answer some of your questions, i know it's a difficult time, feel free to ask away as you come up with them, and good luck.-sierra