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Curling Fingers

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 11:11 am
by tinachick
Does anyones fingers curl or look "crooked"? If so, any suggestions on how to correct it? Mine look terrible, almost arthritic

Re: Curling Fingers

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 12:00 pm
by EllenB
John's fingers "want" to stay in something like that - kind of like the first position of the fingers when you're making a closed grip. This reduces the functionality of being able to grasp something, and Mayo discussed it when we were up there recently.

My (VERY unscientific & possibly misguided - i.e. I did't write anything down at the time) understanding is that something in there has tightened up, therefore there isn't enough "give" to let the fingers straighten. Mayo can do a procedure to fix the problem; it's not time sensitive so we can schedule it when convenient to us (i.e. around John's cycling racing schedule, if he gets his way).

Does that help?


Re: Curling Fingers

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 5:10 pm
by jennyb
I'm pretty sure it's a sign that the ulnar nerve is damaged, in my case by some of my multiple fractures, lower down than the bpi itself, and in cases where there is no recovery like mine the hand eventually forms a claw. Mine is quite annoying as it catches on everything and as I have no feeling, I sometimes walk off with my hand stiuck in a drawer, a door handle or even once someones'belt loop.

If you have use of the hand it can be helped by surgery or splinting from what I've read.

Re: Curling Fingers

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 5:54 pm
by Danzia
I have a BPI injury as well as ulnar nerve injury at my elbow.

My left hand is mostly clawed except for my second finger. I wear a brace/splint in the evening and while I sleep. For me, it's not something that can be really corrected but I've found that my fingers are not as clawed when I use the brace religiously.

It's something you might want to ask your doctor.
Good luck :)

Re: Curling Fingers

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 6:41 am
by Dave m
Yes my hand claws and i can move my fingers but not straighten them past a certain point. It feels like the tendons working them are now too short. My BPI doc has offered a tendon transfer surgery to help correct it, has your doc suggested anything like that? It is called the lassoo procedure if i remember right.
Good luck,

Re: Curling Fingers

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 2:04 pm
by admin

Just a thought, do you gals / guys exercise your BPI hands / fingers everyday? My dad's doctors and therapists told us that we have to exercise his BPI hands everyday because my dad has done a nerve graft and nerve transfer, we do not want the hand / fingers to become hard hence everyday my mum will massage / exercise my dad's BPI hand and fingers so his fingers are still normal except no movement.

Hwee Yong

Re: Curling Fingers

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 3:30 pm
by stx431
We flex Carrie's fingers and wrist twice a day as highly recommemded by her BPI surgeon. He says it's imperative that we do that to maintain supple joints in her knuckles and wrist for when things start working either from natural reinervation or muscle transfer surgery. We've seen that Carries hand and fingers do not curl in and I think the daily therapy has helped. Her physical therapist ordered a hand splint to maintain her flexbility after we work her wrist and fingers. She's to wear that whenever she can and especially at night.

Till next time, Dick

Re: Curling Fingers

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 5:53 am
by admin
Hi everyone, since my accident in May last year, I have exercised my fingers every day several times a day. This was recommended by my doctor and physio before and after surgery. This has kept my fingers supple and really flexible. They do no look any different from my non bpi hand. I thinks this is the way to go and was advised by medical staff that if and hopefully when any movement comes back to my hand it will be beneficial is my hand is really flexible....hope this helps regards Michael

Re: Curling Fingers

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 10:33 am
by Danzia
I do an hour of physical therapy exercises everyday.

One of the best exercises for your hand is putting it into a bag of rice and moving your fingers through it.

I also took ceramics classes when I was in college. That strengthened my hand so much! If you can take a pottery class from a local studio, take advantage of it. It's also quite a lot of fun and very relaxing.

Re: Curling Fingers

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 10:26 pm
by Sandy Tschopp
My solution is really low-tech. C-5 thru T-1 avulsed, no function or feeling, just to avoid the claw look, I tape my fingers as flat as I can make them to a small piece of foam core (material used to back photos/art work, available at craft and art supply stores) at night.