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Travelling for Surgery?

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 4:55 pm
by katep
Joshua is scheduled for the arthroscopic capsule release shoulder surgery on March 28th in Philadelphia. The surgery is on a Monday, he will stay overnight in the hospital (or maybe the hotel room) and he will be released on Tuesday (if all goes well). I believe he'll be casted in the "stop" position.

Should we plan to fly back (probably 8-9 hours door-to-door) Tuesday afternoon or would it make sense to stay in the hotel an extra day? I'm torn, because I know he'll be more comfortable at home, but it will be such a trek to get there.

What have other families done in this situation?


Re: Travelling for Surgery?

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 5:13 pm
by TNT1999
Our daughter's surgeries were all at TCH, but we've never planned to return home on the scheduled release day. We always spend at least one extra night in the hotel. Our daughter has always been splinted, not casted, so we've also scheduled out-patient OT visits the day after release to check on the splint and for us to practice removal and putting it back on in front of the OT to make sure we get it right. If all goes well with the surgery, you could always have something fun tentatively lined up for Tuesday afternoon. Well, that's been our experience. I do know of families who return home on the scheduled release day, but for me it would be too stressful worrying about getting released on time and trying to get to the airport in time, etc. If you do return home on Tuesday, just let the hospital staff know the day before and first thing that morning what time you need to be released by in order to catch your plane so that you'll be sure to get all the paperwork, prescriptions, etc. done in time. I hope all goes well for Joshua and all of you.


Re: Travelling for Surgery?

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 5:53 pm
by admin
We only drove 3 1/2 hours and didn't need to fly to Boston for Ella's surgery, but they did ask us where we would be the night she was released b/c of infection or something that may happen. We told them we were going home and they okay'ed it since we weren't too far, but they like to see you stay around not too far away for at least one night after. Well, maybe I am wrong, but thats how it was for Dr Waters in Boston. I am sure you will hear from someone else who went through the same thing with Kozin. Hope all goes well.

Re: Travelling for Surgery?

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 7:16 pm
by Shannon03
Kate, it took us the whole day to fly to Philly and it was very draining (2 layovers with delays). Even though I know Makenna would be more comfortable at home, I think I would stay the extra night in a hotel. When she had primary at TCH we flew home that day after she was released (she was released by noon, our flight was at 4pm, and we were back to the West Coast by 7pm). We were all very happy to be back home. But, with Philly being so far away I think it might be a good idea for the extra night. Good luck!

Re: Travelling for Surgery?

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 9:30 pm
by PeggyUBPN
I agree; an extra day's stay, just to be on the safe side would be best. If you have any complications or questions, it will be easier to handle if you are right there. Plus, if you have to get perscriptions filled before you leave, it's a lot easier to wait in a hotel room than at the pharmacy... I know this from experience!


Re: Travelling for Surgery?

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 9:58 pm
by m&mmom

After all of Matthew's surgeries we drove/flew home right after discharge.

When Matthew had primary we drove to Texas from PA. After discharge we got in the car and drove the 24 hours back, even took a detour to New Orleans for dinner.

For mod quad we were on the plane about 3 hours after discharge. We flew direct to save on time.

After discharge from the capsule release we drove home (that trip was nice - it was only 1.5 hours).


Re: Travelling for Surgery?

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 10:18 pm
by PeggyUBPN
After Emma's last surgery we had planned on flying home the day she was discharged, but ended up changing the flight home to the day after she was suppose to get out because they held her an extra day in the hospital.
It was a TRUE HASSLE to change the flight (but I had done it all myself, not through WINGS because we had already used Miles For Kids In Need).
I think Southwest would be easy, but this was Delta through Travelocity and finally, Delta helped us, whereas Travelocity was going to make us Pay and Pay and Pay to change the flight.
If you have the extra time, I would suggest just to stay for an exrra day. You might not need it, but if you do, it will be so much easier!


Re: Travelling for Surgery?

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 10:22 pm
by annedefiance
Kate, when we went to TCH for Ben's first two surgeries, we stayed a day or two longer, just in case. With him going to Cincinnati now, we leave as soon as he's out of the hospital since we only live 3 hours away.

Sometimes the extra night is good just for rest's sake. It's extremely exhausting, IMO, being at hospitals.

Re: Travelling for Surgery?

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 11:30 pm
by admin
We flew back home the same day as discharge from the hospital. It was about a 10-11 hour trip door to door for us with an 18 month old and it worked out really well for us. It was a long day, but our baby tolerated it well and slept MUCH better being at home and in a comfortable place. Good luck with the upcoming surgery.

Re: Travelling for Surgery?

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 11:43 pm
by katep
Thanks for all the input! It sounds like staying an extra day makes sense, if only for peace of mind. And I guess I would rather be exhausted and sacked out in a hotel room rather than on the marathon trip home!

I guess I thought I was being silly, thinking of staying the extra day (another day away from work for my husband/I was going to stay home a week anyway). It's really helpful to get input from other people who have been through the same thing.

Thanks again everyone.
