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ear aches, resporatory, etc.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2002 10:10 pm
by admin
Thanks for all your concern and well wishes re: my pnemonia (spelling is going to be subject to critism tonight) I think I'm better, Ican breathe better and coughing is better.

I'm 54 left obpi and grew up with ear aches constantly. Still have problems (left side of course) and hearing is going out. I take Alegra D which seems to help out. EMT wanted to put tubes in the ears. Seems lke every doc wants to do something different. Sure am getting tired of going. He explained that the estacian tube in children is not straight enough until they grow older. Well I guess my tube forgot to straighten out. obpi??? probably...

I had pnemonia back in 89 but a fever just a pencil tip under 105 for about 5 or 6 days. (When it's my time to leave this world a fever would be nice. I remember very little of those 6 days in the hospital.) Anyway, no fever this time, I just could not breath and quit coughing. I never had a breaathing problem (except for smoking) until last winter after shoveling after our hard snow falls. I still say it's the diapham but what do I know. I have no md behind my name.

Th doc I have now will listen to me up to a point. I do give her credit as she is trying. But she sure has come up with a lot of things I didn't realize were wrong. But the headache dis still here.

Anyway, I feel many things are connected to the obpi and wonder....I don't want to scare the parents of children and maybe Francine may be able to chime in and help with an answer, The surgury the children are having may or may not correct the usuage of the arm, shoulder, hand etc., but what about the side effects that show up later in life?? Is this where the rom and phiso come in. And once the child gets a little older and does not want to deal with rom, and then a little older yet on their own and doesn't deal with exercise. What about the lungs, ears, and so on. Is the surgury geared to correct and/or adjust the physical body so it does not deteriorate and make the body more in alignment????

What kind of advise can we as adults give to the new mothers as far as the physical except what some of us have gone through?
As far as emotional difficulties, I don't remember having any. My parent opted to let me do what ever I could and wanted. I did not know about the injury until 7th grade. I just figured my right arm and hand were dominate and my left not as strong. Pain in the arm is something I don't remember at an early age, but colds, earaches, toothaches, and of course the pains that everyone called "growing pains"
Arm pain came in late teen years and progressed. I'm glad I had my kids early on, I would probably drop them now. I can see it now, "mother drops her children and accused of child abuse as she must beat them) lol

Just a few what ifs and things to think about. And it's going to snow again tonight and tomorrow but o nly an inch or two (if you can believe the weather person) I love Michigan but hate snow.

Later, Sharon

Re: ear aches, resporatory, etc.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2002 2:25 am
by Stephanie
Hi Sharon,
I have always had earaches, especially on my left bpi
side. I'm 51 now and still get them with colds. No one believes I still get them this bad at this age. You know how the structure responsible for earaches is supposed to straighten out as you mature? I don't think mine ever did.

Anyone out there who knows if it is common for adults to still get earaches? Could this also be obpi related along with upper respiratory ailments?

Stay tuned....


Re: ear aches, resporatory, etc.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2002 4:43 pm
by Kathleen
WOW! so much in common.
I am 62 right obpi.

I get minor ear aches... especially if I am tired -- the kind that makes everyone sound like they are SHOUTING... and you have an echo. I get that a lot. so annoying. I never realized that my hearing on bpi side is also effected until I learned that everyone else can switch ears on the telephone and I can't... duh! never noticed... a bit slow on the uptake.

The Dr. just noticed my right (obpi side) ear canal is a bit smaller then the left. If I go swimming and try to put my head under water my ear stings... also if I get water in my ear it takes forever to get it to come out... you know jumping on one foot etc...

I have always had problems with resporatory infections. I had croup attacks until I was ten... now I still get them if I am exposed to cigar or wood burning stoves or pipes... I mean hospital type of attacks. I was once taken to the hospital they thought I had a heart attack I had all the symptoms (classic) and it turned out to be a severe asthma attack and I was not even weezing and I did not even have a cold...
I have asthma... I have always had problems with bronchitis and had pneumonia several times when I was small I was absent so much from school in the winter. I have also had it a few times as an adult.
I love to walk but loose my breath if it is windy...wonder...why?
I thought it was beacuse I have Horners and that effected the lungs...
I thought that was it...... but not everyone has Horners... or perhaps you do and were never diagnosed... I had to point it out to the doctor... then he said oh! yes one eye is smaller and part of your face is paralyzed.

but now cathy posted that c4 effects breathing too.

Did or does anyone have problems with swallowing... it was worse as a child and during my teens I had sever pains in the area of the diaphram.... anyone else?

Well, spelling is another problem too... but at least that is not important unless someone is a good speller and my spelling annoys them....LOL... I know lots of you guys understand... and even have the same problem... its an obpi thing I think... ... LOL...

Re: ear aches, resporatory, etc.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2002 5:19 pm
by hazell
yea kath i have probs with swallowing everyone puts it down to anxiety, i say crap to that response.

& listening with your affected sides ear on the phone is really strange.

bye crazy

Re: ear aches, resporatory, etc.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2002 8:10 pm
by Kathleen
thanks crazy.... now I know I am not crazy... LOL..

I have had this prob since I was kid and just stopped talking about it... They just thought it was because I was a poor eater and did not want to eat... and I was making an excuse not to eat... now that made dinner time and anxious time for me!...

just wanted to know if it was connected...
and worked up the courage to ask... sometimes it is so annoying...

The phone and the ear was such a shock... I am so dumb I thought everyone heard better out of one ear than the other!!! .


Re: ear aches, resporatory, etc.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2002 10:15 pm
by admin
Hey Kath, At least not thinking about the ear is not as bad as not recognizing a bum arm. LOL After swimming and even when my kids were litle and would develope earaches from the water left in the ear, our doctor told me to just put a couple drops of rubbing alchol in them. It dries the water up. Works too.

About the swallowing: Would this have any thing to do with a hietal (sp) hernia or reflux problems (GERD) Gastrology issues. I now have them too. Seems like the poor body wants to fall apart bit by bit and piece by piece. A little here and a little there. Good thing we can control our spiritual attitude. At least I like to think mine is under control. lol....

My spelling problem is a day by day issue. Some days are fine and some make me wonder if I'm brain dead. Along with that, have you had problems getting words out of your mouth. I can see a picture in my mind or know the words I want to say, but I can't speak it. Talk about looking funny. Standing there saying yea I know but I can't tell you right now. Give me a minute or two or maybe a day or two. Frustrating as all get out. I could just see my scores on a psychological profile and IQ test. LOL

Oh yea, with my ear, sometimes if I sneeze or cough just right, it seems to open up and everyone sounds like they are yelling, but it only lasts a few seconds and plugs up again.

Are we all strange or what. Lets call us unique and special, no two of us exactly alike. Love to all.....Sharon

Re: ear aches, resporatory, etc.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2002 11:34 am
by Kathleen

The doctor told my Mom that I had a spastic diaphram when I was a teenage. I once lost over 30 lbs (that I could not afford at that time) in a little over a month... I could not even keep water down... they did not have an answer for it except spastic diaphram and gave me some pills to take for about 6 weeks to relax my muscles... wonder if that is realted to obpi and growing etc..??? I would double over in pain when I was in my teens and it stopped when I had my first baby at 26... If I ate a normal size meal I would get nausaus... Swallowing has always been sort of a problem but I thought it was normal until I mentioned it to someone else and they thought I should have it checked out... I never mentioned it to a doctor...cuz it was always this way but now it is getting a little worse ..... hmmmm ... this thing has so much more of an impact on our body then any one ever realized...

Gathering information from all of us helps to reassure ourselves that we are not nuts... well, we only have a few screws loose... but that is normal... LOL

Spelling has always been a major problem...for me..... I am right obpi... wrote left handed before starting school....then I was forced to switch in school to right hand... now the disconnect that does not let me remember I have a right hand...could that be the reason that the message for spelling never really got through????

Spiritual attitude... I try to take care of that too!!
sometime I am good at it and sometimes I just have to try harder... but that is life...

Hope you are feeling better each day