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Nath vs Shenaq

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 12:02 am
by msthomas
Hi everyone I am new here and am so excited to find all of you.
I was in a car accident with semi on 3-12-04 and it took several (almost 6) months to finally get my bpi discovered as the source of my pain. I live in the DFW area and have been seeing my DO for this injury. The dr that finally found the injury told me that I would heal in 12-18 months and time is all I needed.
It has now been 10 and I am only getting worst not better. I started in Dec seeking a new dr and came across Nath and Shenaq. I have checked and Shenaq is "in network" for me and not Nath.
I had an appointment last Friday and on our way to Houston they called and cancelled. I was very upset but have been trying to see the good side.
Unlike Nath, that office had not asked to review my test results before seeing me. I was taking them with me. Now they have asked to see them all and try to form a treatment program before we make another appt.
I have seen Dr. Nath all over these boards and not much mention of Dr Shenaq. Do any of you have opinions good or bad of choicing one just because he is covered under my plan?
I know that I hurt enough I just want to see someone who knows about bpi's and not just read about them as is the case with my dr now.
Thanks for all your honesty and compassion. I know my days will be brighter now knowing that I have a group of people somewhere in this world that can really say "I know what you are going through".

Re: Nath vs Shenaq

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 12:12 am
by Susana
Both of them were at my surgery and I am getting better. You can also try the Mayo clinic.

Re: Nath vs Shenaq

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 1:12 am
by cbe411
Shanna, I have emailed you personally, I hope that is ok.......


Re: Nath vs Shenaq

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 1:17 am
by admin
Who is the doctor at the Mayo Clinic. I visited with a shoulder surgeon, Dr. Sperling, but I don't believe he is considered a bpi specialist. Any one else? Linda

Re: Nath vs Shenaq

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 1:20 am
Look at the post in here on 12/29/04 I wrote labeled "newbie with questions...sorry so long". it details my history and work with Nath. I hope it helps. You will also want to talk with Court who had work with Nath and Ellen who's son had breakthrough surgery at the Mayo clinic. Don't rush into the first "miracle". Do some research first. In my opinion it seems that Nath and Mayo are all great, but it's up to you to decide which is great. email me if you want to chat or give me a call sometime.

Re: Nath vs Shenaq

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:29 am
by EllenB
Mayo offers a team approach (doctors with different specialties) that we liked. This included Drs Spinner: neurosurgery, Shin: orthopedic & Bishop: hand specialist.

If you've spent much time on this board, you know that many people have been pleased with their doctors. You mentioned Nath & Mayo - and also, another well respected clinic is Drs Kline & Tiel at LSU (New Orleans). I guess those are kind of the big three clinics in the US, but I read positive things about several other doctors on here as well.

Keep asking questions!


Re: Nath vs Shenaq

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:32 am
by EllenB
My coffee has NOT kicked in - I keep forgetting stuff.

Here is the appt scheduling number for Mayo: Jeanne at 507-266-0537. Linda you are correct - the bpi clinic is separate from the shoulder specialist you saw.

Re: Nath vs Shenaq

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 5:58 pm
by admin
Hello and welcome to the boards. Sorry to hear about your injury. I have a son age 12 that was injured in an accident in November 2003. By reading these boards, youve already found out there are a few specilaists out there, but the decision is ultimately yours once youve gathered all your information. In my opinion, that is the best thing to do first. I have heard good things about the Drs. mentioned here so far. In our case, we chose Dr. Shenaq, after months of research, for a few different reasons. Things have gone really good so far and he is 9 months post op. But, there might be a slight problem now, if you choose Dr. Shenaq, depending on whether or not you need surgery, and depending on what surgery you need, because, the Dr. that worked with Shenaq doing the nerve grafting, just recently passed away, and they have the clinic on hold, but if you dont need nerve grafting, and possibly another surgery, he might can help. I know Im throwing alot out there for you, but my opinion would be to go ahead and see him for an evaluation and see what he thinks, but dont stop there, get another too. I would be glad to give you any info I have regarding our experience. Youre on the right path, just keep searching. Hope it all goes well for you and the people here are here to help you with anything. You may e mail me if youd like.

Re: Nath vs Shenaq

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:40 am
by msthomas
I can't tell you how much all of your replies have meant to me. I can't wait to check them everytime I get a chance. I even told my dr. about this and Dr. Nath's site and he said he wanted to check them out.
I still haven't heard from dr shenaq's office and after reading about the death I don't know what to expect.
I am going to do as suggested and see him and then another.
Thanks to all of you again!