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Scapula Winging / Shoulder Rotation

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 5:47 pm
by michael's parents
Just another post regarding the shoulder rotation, our son is going to be 10 months old and has had secondary surgery (mod quad) and still has rotation issues with shoulder but as my second post describes....he is being fitted with a Dyna Splint this week in the hopes of improving his shoulder rotation and arm contracture. Has anyone out there used a Dyna Splint and had any luck with the shoulder rotation to where they didn't need surgery? I am asking this because our son is going to be 10 months old and has had 10 months of damage done already to the shoulder and we don't know to what degree it can improve and will he need surgery or not to correct future shoulder rotation problems?? Sorry for long post but ....always think of more as you go on....Basically can this splint avoid surgery at this point or has there been significant damage to the point that it is inevidable to have surgery? Thank you again!!!