Mother of 7 month old w/ brachial plexus injury at birth

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Mother of 7 month old w/ brachial plexus injury at birth

Post by Nickie »

I need help!!!! We are currently waiting for a surgery date. It took 4 months before doctors came to the decision that surgery was needed. Our insurance would not pay for surgery at Texas Children Hospital. We live in Newport News, VA. Surgery will be in Richmond, VA. I don't even know what to expect. My son has shoulder movement, but no elbow, wrist, hand or finger movement . I should of had a c-section, but didn't. My son's left arm was broken and the right had the brachial plexus injury, he also had seizures and weighed 10lbs 11oz at birth. He stayed in the hospital for 3 weeks. We got the run around grom the hospital and no one seemed to take responsibility for the injury. Not only do I need support, but a good lawyer. Can anyone help?
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Re: Mother of 7 month old w/ brachial plexus injury at birth

Post by admin »

So sorry to hear your story. I also have a child with a BPI. She is 3 years old and her left arm was injured at birth. She had one surgery at the age of 2 years and 4 months old. This surgery was secondary muscle and shoulder surgery. She didn't need the nerve surgery so I cannot give you any advice or "what to expect" news on this. I wish you luck. I know how hard this can be. Things will get better. Give it time. Welcome to the board and I am sure you will receive great advice and support here. Feel free to email me any time at:
Take care. :)
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Re: Mother of 7 month old w/ brachial plexus injury at birth

Post by marg&anna »

hi Nickie,
welcome to the board.. i dont post often here i'm more of a lurker :) if you are wanting another doctor for a second opinion you might want to try Dr Scott Kozin at Shriners in Philadelphia.. my daughters last surgery was there..shes 41/2 ROBPI, she weighed 10lbs 6 oz at bith.. hes a wonderful doctor with a great staff & its a childrens hospital.. we've never received a bill from Shriners so insurance is probably not a problem..
might be worth looking into.. hope it helps.. good luck.. you'll be in my prayers..
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Re: Mother of 7 month old w/ brachial plexus injury at birth

Post by BarbH »

I agree with Marg.
Shriners will even fly you out to Phila at no cost to you. They just did this for my good friend that has a BPI daughter.

Oh, by the way. My name is Barbara and I have a daughter (she'll be 2 in March) with a LOBPI she was 10lbs 3ozs at birth. We also see Dr. Kozin and I totally agree that he's a wonderful doc.
Good Luck!
Tanner's Mom
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Re: Mother of 7 month old w/ brachial plexus injury at birth

Post by Tanner's Mom »


WELCOME. We are so glad that you are here, but so sad that your little guy was injured. All of this is just so difficult to go through. UBPN is a WONDERFUL resource, with many supportive people and tons of information. It has helped so many of us in so many ways. Keep sharing, venting and asking any questions you would like. We are all here for each other!

Sorry I don't have much feedback to offer right now in the lawyer department. Do you live in Virginia? There are a few names I could provide you with, but no one I personally used. Hopefully others can help.

Please let us know when the surgery is and how it goes.

Take Care,
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Re: Mother of 7 month old w/ brachial plexus injury at birth

Post by SpeelmanC »

have you seen any of the doctors at CHKD in Norfolk? My daughter had a surgery with Dr Cardelia at CHKD and now can lift her arm over her head. Which surgery is your baby having? I live in Virginia Beach.
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Re: Mother of 7 month old w/ brachial plexus injury at birth

Post by admin »

My daughter has LBPI and had surgery at TCH. We are now under the care of Dr. Kozin at Shriners in PA. A really nice Dr. I also would reccomend him. Best of luck to you and your child. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Cheryl
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Re: Mother of 7 month old w/ brachial plexus injury at birth

Post by Terris5 »

hi and welcome. my daughter (now 15 months) was born weighing 10lbs 13 1/2 oz with a rt clavical break and lobpi. She is surgery free and has had therapy (ot and pt) since she was 3 weeks. she does very well now after no movement for the first 3 months except for slight finger movement. I know that you are angry and need someone to take the blame but right now concentrate on doing the best for your child and being thankful you have your son! I know there are many who "blame" but if there were no signs who could know and be thankful that your med. professional knew how to help you birth your child. Good luck!
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Re: Mother of 7 month old w/ brachial plexus injury at birth

Post by admin »

Dear Nickie:
I was on the net looking for additional resources for my brachial plexus injury clients and happened upon this site and read your inquiry. Our law firm, located in Richmond, routinely handles medical negligence claims involving brachial plexus injuries resulting from excessive traction and force used by the obstetrician. If we can be of assistance let me know. Visit our website for information at You can call me at (804) 644-1400.
Trent's mom
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Re: Mother of 7 month old w/ brachial plexus injury at birth

Post by Trent's mom »

I am sorry to hear about your little guy. I live in Baltimore and we see Dr. Belzberg at Hopkins. Trent is 14 weeks and has hand and finger movement. He is begining to show signs of other movement as well. We are also going to Houston to see Dr. Nath for his opinion, insurace won't cover ours either. You have come to the right place. The people here have been wonderful answering my question as a new mom with BP child. Feel free to contact me at anytime. I am not as resourceful as others who have dealing with this as long.