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Happy New Year!!

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 7:48 am
by jennyb
It's 2005 in New Zealand and we well and truly saw it in, in fact I'm more than ready for bed, that Guinness can be moreish....:0)

Last year was a really bad one for me, I'm not sorry to say goodbye to 2004, but the tragedy that's happened to humankind in the last week I think really puts things in perspective.
I give thanks for my family and friends who are all still with me, I know how lucky I am.
Sorry this is so early, but I'm about to collapse and I intend to stay in bed for the forseeable future, which is what I should have done last year.

Once again, Happy New Year from downunder and let's hope 2005 is memorable for all the right reasons, so far it's going pretty well for me :0)
Jen NZ
ps not bad typing after 5 cans of Guinness and a glass of port eh?? I am currently feeling no pain....;)

Re: Happy New Year!!

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 8:52 am
by EllenB
You beat us all to 2005! Backatcha in ~16 hours...

Happy New Year & huge thanks to all who post on this board for your advice, encouragement... and wonderful sense of humor (we'd be lost without that, doncha know).


Re: Happy New Year!!

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 11:36 am
by Karen McClune
Happy New Year all, best to you all in 2005!

Hugs, Karen, David and family

Re: Happy New Year!!

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 12:15 pm
by cbe411

Happy New Year! Its a 12 1/2 hour count down foe me..... I truely hope that we all have a great 2005! More movement and reduced pain levels would be great! Hopefully will get to meet more of you in this new year..... Thanks to ALL around here!

COurt xx

Re: Happy New Year!!

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 1:38 pm
by Kath
Right back to you all. I hope everyone has a safe, healthy and joyful new year.

I'll join Jenny in saying how sad I am for the terrible loss of life and the pain and suffering. This tragic event leaves us all with such a great sense of loss. I am really sad that I can't do something to help, except send a donation to the many organizations helping there.

I am counting our blessings before the year ends. We were given a miracle this year with the survival of our new 3 month premature grandchild... so no matter what else happened we are blessed. Grace is now 8 months old and doing great, still tiny but smiling all the time... And she learned how to shake her head NO... right on target for her adjusted age of 5 months.

On a lighter side I hate beer but loved the Guinness in Ireland... guess its a genetic memory... LOL...

11 hours and 15 minutes until 2005...


Re: Happy New Year!!

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 2:20 pm
by PeggyUBPN
Indeed! Happy New Year to all!

Guiness is a fine brew (something I learned to appreciate while in Ireland, myself). However, you CAN get too much of a good thing--even if it's in a Black and Tan!

Words cannot express the sorrow I feel for what happened in South Asia. Did you see the story of the little boys selling their toys on e-bay to raise money to send for relief? That is truely an inspiration.

Peace and love,

Re: Happy New Year!!

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 11:29 am
by jacko
Happy New Year to everyone from me in the UK. Hope everyone has a great 2005.

Re: Happy New Year!!

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 12:54 pm
by admin

Re: Happy New Year!!

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 4:37 pm
by Henry
Have a great year everyone.

2004 was my methadone year. After 22 years of pain, I have my life back.

2005 will be the year for me.


Re: Happy New Year!!

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 9:51 pm
by Susie Kaye
This is a great opportunity to thank everyone who posts on this messageboard. You are a constant source of information & inspiration! Thank You! I pray you all have a very Blessed New Year!

I'm also deeply saddened by the disaster in South Asia. Prayers & donations seem to be all any of us can do. Let's keep them in our prayers.