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Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th?

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:02 pm
by kalliesmom
Kallie will be having the Triangle Tilt procedure by Dr Nath. We will be staying Jan 25-30th and would love to meet up with anyone that might be there at the same time.


Re: Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th?

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 4:15 pm
by admin
Yes! Yes! We will be there...I will email you directly...

Re: Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 11:27 pm
by Kimberly
What is the Triangle Tilt procedure? I have not heard of that one.


Re: Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th?

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 12:04 am
by kalliesmom
The Triangle Tilt is basicly the new name for the Caps/Acromioplasty surgery Dr Nath was doing but with an added Scapula rotation. I believe the name Acromioplasty is already being used for another surgery so he had to come up with a new name.
I have the published report about the surgery if anyone is interested.


Re: Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th?

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 2:08 am
by katep

I don't believe this paper has been accepted by any publication, let alone published in any medical journal. If I am wrong, please correct me.


Re: Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th?

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 10:47 am
by kalliesmom
Sorry! I guess that one hasn't made it to the list yet.
My apologies ~Jessica

Peer-reviewed Publications:

1. Miller VT, Nath R, Kwaan HC, and Nishiura B. Reproducibility of two in vivo tests of platelet function. Thrombosis Res 52:507-15, 1990.
2. Kumar K, Wyant GM, and Nath R. Deep brain stimulation for control of intractable pain in humans, present and future: A ten-year follow-up. Neurosurgery 26:774-782, 1990.
3. Kumar K, Nath R, and Wyant GM. Treatment of chronic pain by epidural spinal cord stimulation: A 10-year experience. J Neurosurg 75:402-407, 1990.
4. Brown PS, Nath R, Votapka T, Slaughter M, Meyers SN, Talano JV, and Joob A. Traumatic ventricular septal defect and disruption of the descending thoracic aorta. Ann Thorac Surg 52:143-4, 1991.
5. Kumar K, Nath R, and Wyant GM. Spinal cord stimulation for management of chronic intractable pain. Modern Neurosurg 51:329-40, 1991.
6. Nath RK, Parks W, Markham H, and Weeks PM. Collagen regulation in fetal skin wounds. Surg Forum 43:497-499, 1992.
7. Nath RK, and Weeks PM. Fetal wound repair: A new direction. Plast Reconstr Surg 91:922-4, 1993.
8. Nath RK, LaRegina M, Markham H, and Weeks PM. The expression of transforming growth factor, subtype beta in fetal and adult rabbit skin wounds. J Ped Surg 29:416-421, 1994.
9. Nath RK, Mackinnon SE, and Weeks PM. Ulnar nerve transection as a complication of two-portal endoscopic carpal tunnel release: A case report. J Hand Surg 18A:896-898, 1993.
10. Nath RK, Parks W, Markham H, Hunter DA, Mackinnon SE, and Weeks PM. Regulation of collagen type I in fetal skin wounds: mRNA localization and analysis. J Ped Surg 29:855-862, 1994.
11. Nath RK, Jensen J, and Weeks PM. Temporally variable induction of homeobox gene D11 during wound repair in the fetal mouse limb. Surg Forum 46: 682-684, 1995.
12. Kumar K, Nath RK, Nair CPV and Tchang SP. Symptomatic epidural lipomatosis secondary to obesity: A case report. J Neurosurg 85: 348-350, 1996.
13. Choi PD, Nath RK, and Mackinnon SE. Iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal, and genitofemoral neuropathy following abdominal surgery: A case report. Ann Plast Surg 37: 60-65, 1996.
14. Kumar K, Toth C, and Nath RK. Spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain in peripheral neuropathy. Surg Neurol 46: 363-369, 1996.
15. Kumar K and Nath RK. Spinal cord stimulation is effective in the management of reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Neurosurgery 40: 503, 1997.
16. Nath RK, Mackinnon SE, Jensen J, and Parks WC. Spatial pattern of type I collagen expression in injured peripheral nerve. J Neurosurg 86: 120-124, 1997.
17. Nath RK, Mackinnon SE, and Shenaq SM. New nerve transfers following peripheral nerve injuries. Operative Techniques in Plast Reconstr Surg 4: 2-11, 1997.
18. Kumar K, Toth C, Nath RK, Verma AK, and Burgess JJ. Improvement of limb circulation in peripheral vascular disease using epidural spinal cord stimulation: a prospective study. J Neurosurg 86: 662-669, 1997.
19. Kumar K, Toth C, and Nath RK. Deep brain stimulation for intractable pain: A 15-year experience. Neurosurgery 40: 736-746, 1997.
20. Nath RK, Kwon B, Mackinnon SE, Jensen JN, Reznik S, and
Boutros S. Antibody to transforming growth factor-beta reduces collagen production in injured peripheral nerve. Plast Reconstr Surg 102, 1100-1108, 1998.
21. Nath RK, Kraemer BA, Azzizadeh A. Complete ear replantation without venous anastomosis. Microsurgery 18: 282- 285, 1998.
22. Nath RK, Jensen JN, and Weinfeld AB. Collagen type 1 blockade with antisense oligonucleotide DNA. Surg Forum 49, 1998.
23. Kumar K, Toth C, Nath RK and Laing P. Epidural spinal cord stimulation for treatment of chronic pain- some predictors of success. Surg Neurol 50: 110-121, 1998.
24. Shenaq SM, Berzin E, Lee R, Laurent JP, Nath R, and Nelson MR. Brachial plexus birth injuries and current management. Clin Plast Surg 25: 527-536, 1998.
25. Kim ED, Scardino PT, Hampel O, Mills N, Wheeler TM and Nath RK. Interposition of sural nerve to restore function of cavernous nerves resected during radical prostatectomy. J Urol 161: 188-192, 1999.
26. Boutros S, Nath RK, Yuksel E, Weinfeld A and Mackinnon SE. Transfer of Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Branch of the Ulnar Nerve to the Pronator Teres Nerve: Histomorphometric Analysis. J Reconstr Microsurg 15: 119-22, 1999.
27. Nath RK and Mackinnon SE. Nerve transfers in the upper extremity. Hand Clinics 16: 131-139, 2000.
28. Kim ED, Scardino PT, Kadmon D, Slawin K, Nath RK. Interposition sural nerve grafting during radical retropubic prostatectomy. Urology 57: 211-216, 2001.
29. Weinfeld AB, Cheng J, Nath RK, Rose J, Hunter DA and Mackinnon SE. Topographical mapping of the superior transverse scapular ligament: a cadaver study to facilitate suprascapular nerve decompression. Submitted to Plast Reconstr Surg, May 2000.
30. Nath RK, Kadmon D, Slawin K, Miles B , Shenaq SM, Lerner S, Morton R, and Shenaq SM. Long-term outcome of sural nerve reconstruction of the cavernous nerve to preserve potency in men following radical prostatectomy. In preparation for Plast Reconstr Surg,
June 2000.
31. Nath RK, Shenaq SM, Laurent JP, Lee R, Nelson M, Wolinsky JP. Long thoracic nerve and upper trunk decompression results in rapid reversal of winged scapula. In preparation for J Neurosurg, July 2000.


1. Nath RK. Fetal Wound Repair Manual: Protocol and procedure manual of the Wound Repair and Regeneration Laboratory, Washington University Division of Plastic Surgery. 278 pages. 1992.
2. Nath RK and Mackinnon SE. "Reflex sympathetic dystrophy: The controversy continues". Chapter in Clinics in Plastic Surgery , Update on Hand Surgery, 1996.
3. Nath RK and Mackinnon SE. "Management of Neuromas in the Hand". Chapter in Hand Clinics, The Painful Hand, 1996.
4. Nath RK and Mackinnon SE. "Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy". Chapter 111, pp. 566-569, Plastic Surgical Secrets, Weinzweig J (ed.), Hanley and Belfus, Inc., Philadelphia, PA, 1998.
5. Nath RK and Mackinnon SE. "Peripheral Nerve Injuries". Chapter 102, pp. 524-527, Plastic Surgical Secrets, Weinzweig J (ed.), Hanley and Belfus, Inc., Philadelphia, PA, 1998.
6. Nath RK and Mackinnon SE. "Peripheral Nerve Regeneration ". Chapter 12, pp. 201-216, Tissue Engineering: Applications in Maxillofacial Surgery and Periodontics , Lynch SE, Genco RJ and Marx RE (eds.), Quintessence Publ. Co., Inc., Chicago, 1999.
7. Nath RK and Mackinnon SE. "The experimental basis for nerve repair-clinical application". Chapter in The Facial Nerve, May M (ed.), 1999.
8. Nath RK and Mackinnon SE. "Peripheral Nerve Injuries". Chapter 17, pp. 105-109, Hand and Wrist Surgery Secrets, Weinzweig J (ed.), Hanley and Belfus, Inc., Philadelphia, PA, 1999.
9. Nath RK and Mackinnon SE. "Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy". Chapter 26, pp. 155- 159, Hand and Wrist Surgery Secrets, Weinzweig J (ed.), Hanley and Belfus, Inc., Philadelphia, PA, 1999.
10. Nath RK. Median Nerve Entrapment in the Forearm. Chapter 5, Peripheral Nerve Compression Syndromes in the Upper Extremity, Alnot Y and Mackinnon SE (eds.), Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, 2000.

Presentations/ Abstracts:

1. Kumar K, and Nath R. Treatment of chronic pain by epidural cord stimulation: An 11-year experience. 58th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Nashville TN, 1990.
2. Nath RK and Weeks PM. The expression of transforming growth factor-beta in fetal and adult wound healing in rabbits. Annual Meeting of the Missouri Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, St.Louis MO,1992.
3. Kumar K, and Nath R. Spinal cord stimulation in peripheral vascular disease. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Neurologic Surgeons, Winnipeg MN, 1992.
4. Nath RK, Parks W, Markham H, and Weeks PM. Collagen regulation in fetal skin wounds. 78th Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons, New Orleans LA, 1992.
5. Nath RK, Parks W, and Weeks PM. Procollagen type I mRNA analysis in fetal and adult wounds. Annual Meeting of the St. Louis Association of Plastic Surgeons, St. Louis MO, 1993
6. Nath RK, Jensen J, Markham H, and Mackinnon SE. Expression of collagen in peripheral nerves. 4th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Peripheral Nerve, Rye Brook NY,1994.
7. Nath RK, Jensen J, Mackinnon SE, and Weeks PM. Regulation of procollagen type I mRNA in injured peripheral nerves. Plastic Surgery Research Council Meeting, Ann Arbor MI, 1994.
8. Nath RK, Jones TR, and Kraemer BA. Ear reconstruction in the adult. Regional meeting of the American College of Surgeons, Lake of the Ozarks MO, 1994.
9. Kumar K and Nath RK. Peripheral vascular disease: the role of epidural spinal cord stimulation. Annual Meeting of the American Congress of Neurosurgery, Orlando FL, 1995.
10. Nath RK, Jensen J, and Weeks PM. Genetic regulation of fetal wound repair. Plastic Surgery Research Council Meeting, New York NY, 1995.
11. Kumar K and Nath RK. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy responds to spinal cord stimulation. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, Victoria BC, 1995.
12. Nath RK, Jensen J, Duboule D, and Weeks PM. The temporal expression of homeobox gene D11 in fetal murine limb repair. Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons, New Orleans LA, 1995.
13. Nath RK, Kwon B, Mackinnon SE, and Resnick S. Modulation of collagen type I synthesis in injured peripheral nerve. Plastic Surgery Research Council Meeting, St. Louis MO, 1996.
14. Kumar K, Nath RK, and Burgess J. Peripheral vascular disease and spinal cord stimulation. Annual Meeting of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Orlando FL, 1996.
15. Kumar K, Nath RK, and Toth C. Parameters of success in deep brain stimulation for intractable pain: A 15-year experience. Annual meeting of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Orlando FL, 1996.
16. Kumar K, Nath RK, and Toth C. Spinal cord electrostimulation in chronic pain: A 15-year experience. Annual meeting of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Orlando FL, 1996.
17. Nath RK, Kwon B, Mackinnon SE, and Resnick S. Antibody to
transforming growth factor, subtype beta, reduces collagen expression in injured peripheral nerve. American Society for Peripheral Nerve Meeting, St. Louis MO, 1996.
18. Jensen JN, Nath RK, and Shenaq SM. In vitro inhibition of collagen expression using antisense nucleic acids. Plastic Surgery Research Council Meeting, Galveston TX, 1997.
19. Nath RK and Shenaq SM. Secondary reconstruction of the shoulder following brachial plexus injury. American Society for Peripheral Nerve Meeting, Williamsburg VA, 1997.
20. Nath RK. Scar control in peripheral nerve. Sunderland Society Meeting, Vail, Colorado, 1997.
21. Celik N, Nath RK, Weinfeld AB, Nelson M, and Shenaq SM.. Constant Triceps Branch within the Axillary Nerve Sheath. American Association of Hand Surgery Meeting, Scottsdale AZ, 1998.
22. Boutros S, Weinfeld AB, Mackinnon SE, Nath RK, and Yuksel E. Flexor carpi ulnaris nerve transfer to pronator teres nerve: A histomorphometric study and case report. American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery Meeting, Scottsdale AZ, 1998.
23. Nath RK, Jensen JN, Weinfeld AB and Yuksel E. Antisense oligonucleotide reduction of collagen 1 protein in mouse 3T3 cells. Plastic Surgery Research Council Meeting, Loma Linda CA, 1998.
24. Nath RK, Jensen JN, Weinfeld AB and Yuksel E. Reduction of collagen type 1 protein production of fibroblasts using antisense DNA oligonucleotides. American Society for Peripheral Nerve Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 1998.
25. Nath RK, Jensen JN, and Weinfeld AB. Collagen type 1 blockade with antisense oligonucleotide DNA. American College of Surgeons Meeting, Orlando FL, 1998.
26. Stal S, Klebuc M, and Nath RK. Digital imaging in clinical plastic surgical practice. American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons Meeting, Boston MA, 1998.
27. Shenaq SM, Jedrysiak A, Nath RK, Lee R, Laurent JP, and Nelson M. Secondary reconstruction in obstetric brachial plexus injury. American Association for Hand Surgery. Hawaii, 1999.
28. Shenaq SM, Jedrysiak A, Nath RK, Lee R, Laurent JP, and Nelson M. A 12 year experience with obstetric brachial plexus management. American Association for Hand Surgery. Hawaii, 1999.
29. Nath RK, Yuksel E, Weinfeld AB and Jensen JN. Reduction of
collagen 1 protein in vitro with antisense oligonucleotide DNA. Plastic Surgery Research Council, Pittsburgh PA, 1999.
30. Williams HB, Van Beek A, Schubert W, Migliori M, Nath RK, Gupta A, Kutz J, Ziesman M and Bender-Samual R. Phase I study of maintenance of function in muscle using electrical stimulation with an implantable system following peripheral nerve injury and repair. American Society for Peripheral Nerve, Los Angeles CA, 1999.

Instructional Courses:

1. Mackinnon SE and Nath RK. Surgery of the Peripheral Nerve, American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Meeting: Dallas TX, 1996.
2. Mackinnon SE and Nath RK. Surgery of the Peripheral Nerve, American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Meeting: San Francisco CA, 1997.
3. Nath RK and Rabinovsky E. Peripheral nerve physiology and regeneration, Plastic Surgery Research Council Meeting, Galveston TX, 1997.
4. Nath RK. Molecular biologic techniques in surgical research. Plastic Surgery Research Council Meeting, Galveston TX, 1997.
5. Nath RK, Dellon AL and Midha R. Surgical management of painful neuromas. American Society for Peripheral Nerve Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 1998.
6. Williams B, Nath RK, Van Beek A. Clinical experience with the Medtronic implantable muscle stimulator. American Society for Peripheral Nerve Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 1998.
7. Mackinnon SE and Nath RK. Surgery of the Peripheral Nerve. American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Meeting: Boston MA, 1998.
8. Nath RK, Wirt S, and Traylor G. Perioperative management of children undergoing secondary surgery for brachial plexus injury. American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Meeting: Boston MA, 1998.
9. Nelson M, Nath RK, and Davis L. Surgical management of obstetric brachial plexus injuries. American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine. San Antonio TX, 1998.
10. Nath RK and Rabinovsky E. Molecular biologic techniques in plastic surgery research. American Society for Peripheral Nerve, Los Angeles CA, 1999.
11. Nath RK and Mackinnon SE. Surgery of the Peripheral Nerve. International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. San Francisco CA, 1999.
12. Nath RK. Risk factors and management of obstetric brachial plexus injuries in infants. Children's Mercy Hospital International Colloquium on Erb's Palsy. Kansas City MO, 1999.
13. Nath RK. Obstetric brachial plexus injuries and management. American College of Surgeons panel on Paralysis. San Francisco CA, 1999.
14. Nath RK. Surgical management of cumulative trauma disorder. 9th World Congress on Pain, Vienna, Austria, 1999.
15. Nath RK. Surgical management of obstetrical brachial plexus injuries. Child Neurology Society Annual Meeting. Nashville TN, 1999.
16. Mackinnon SE and Nath RK. Surgery of the Brachial Plexus. American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Meeting: New Orleans LA, 1999.
17. Mackinnon SE and Nath RK. Surgery of the Brachial Plexus. American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Meeting: Los Angeles CA, 2000.
18. Mackinnon SE and Nath RK. Surgery of the Brachial Plexus. American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Meeting: Orlando FL, 2001.

Re: Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th?

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 2:44 pm
by admin
Yes...we will be in Houston...My daughter, Molly, will be having surgery on the 31st with Dr. Shenaq. We are arriving on the's so soon, I'm scared!!

Re: Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th?

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 2:53 pm
by dmom

That list just made me smile! Nicely done.

All our best to Kallie as she has the surgery. We are so happy Danny had that acromio - a phenomenal surgery, done by an even more phenomenal surgeon. Please keep us posted!


Re: Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th?

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:06 pm
by Allison
You, Kallie, and all of your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Kallie will be in the best of hands.

Re: Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th?

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 6:03 pm
by admin
Most of these papers are not about brachial plexus surgery in children, are these listed elsewhere or are they not published as yet? It's 2005 and there don't seem to be many in this list after 2000, either. If there are any long term studies being undertaken now for publication in the future I'd like to read about them if anyone can help.I find the frequent name changes of surgery and protocol confusing and anecdotal evidence of results I'm afraid isn't enough for me. With so many patients will TCH or Dr Nath be participating in the multi center studies?

Sorry so many questions but I puzzle over how difficult it is to actually obtain solid information, I can't even see from this list that any of the current phase of surgeries have a long term background, have they changed names?
Thank you for the list anyway!