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ironic brachial plexitis to Mum after caesarian!

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 2:30 pm
by starshine
I had a beautiful boy on 19th January 2002 and 10 days later suffered severe sudden onset pain and weakness in shoulder and arm and was diagnosed with Brachial Plexitis after emg. The pain is unbearable and am on Meptid and amitryptilene after unsuccessful physio, Neurontin scans. I believe it happened during the birth (mayb e the spinal) and at almost 3 years old, my little boy has never had the pleasure of me holding him, carrying him. I never could push his buggy, do the shopping, can't carry anything heavier that 1kg. And am dying with pain. Can you believe I was injured like this during birth. Used to be a camera assistant and one petite strong lady. Now like an old weak thing. Any support or stories similar please please help. I do know that I'm glad it's me and not my boy, but god it's so strange. I live in Dublin, Ireland. Doctors just shrug their (healthy shouders) and dismiss me.

Re: ironic brachial plexitis to Mum after caesarian!

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 8:27 pm
by admin
Hi Starshine,

I'm sorry to hear you have these issues going on. If the EMG showed that you have plexitis, then according to what I've researched for myself, it has a high chance of resolution. I read that it takes up to seven years but for me it took about a year or so. I still have some residual affect but it's nothing like the first three months of absolute hell. The thing that worked best for me was to buy those throw away instant heating pads that get hot when you open the package. I was able to wear it on my shoulder underneath my clothing. The other thing that helped was electrical stimulation. I used to try and save my muscles. I think it worked. The doctor told me to keep my arm in a sling but I didn't. My daughter has a brachial plexus injury and I know that keeping still is not a good thing. So I pushed myself every day to use my arm and I think that saved me in many ways.

I certainly hope that your condition resolves sooner than later. I'm so sorry this is taking all your energy away from the wonderful time you should be having with little baby.

There's a lot you can read on line if you look up Parsonage Turner Syndrome. Best wishes for a less painful holiday season.

Re: ironic brachial plexitis to Mum after caesarian!

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 8:24 am
by Karen Hillyer
Hi Starshine
My sister had this following a hysterectomy - the onset was about 8 weeks later - I think she suffered
some pulling or trauma during the anaesthetic.
Anyway, she was in incredible pain as you were for about 2 years, physio ahd little or no effect and eventually she tried a chiropracter- it was AGONY for the first 4 months of going - but eventually the pain lessened and now almost 3 1/2 years later, she has almost full range of function and the pain has disappeared.
I wonder if you have thought of any complementary therapies? - also there is a specialist in Dublin in brachial plexus injuires - he deals in children BUT I know he does other adult work ( my Aunt is a patient of his)
if you want to e mail me privately you can at and I can send you some further information
Kindest wishes

Re: ironic brachial plexitis to Mum after caesarian!

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 2:37 am
by admin
This is interesting, I had my gallbladder removed in Jan. 2004, and within 6 weeks I had pain and limited use of my left shoulder. In April, a neuro, performed an EMG and told me I had brachial plexus. My shoulder froze up and I had surgery in July 2004. I wonder if this is from my gall bladder surgery? My pain has lessing since my surgery in July, but I still have limited ROM and go to PT 3 times a week. My shoulder looks deformed (it is smaller than my other shoulder, if fact; my entire arm is smaller). I use to say if I could just be pain free I would be happy, but limited use of my arm is not any fun. My sister had a baby in July right before my shoulder surgery and I was unable to lift a 6 pound infant (heartbreaking). I use to do free lance photograhy before, that is the end of that. I'm thankful that my children are 11 and 7, and who knows I had c-sections and a spinal tap after my 7 year old was born, maybe that is when I was injuried. I wish you well, and hopefully you will overcome the pain.