
Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
Posts: 13
Joined: Sat Nov 13, 2004 2:25 am


Post by Patwarner55 »

Many of you seem to try to avoid the word disability I have noticed.

It is not a pretty word but one that I have come to terms with.

I have had to use a cane since 1997 due to severe osteoarthritis in both knees. I was working as a respiratory therapist and using a cane. After I found myself trying to "run" with a cane to a "code", I found that I was no longer able to work, so the word disabled entered into my vocabulary.

Yes, I got strange looks when I walked around with a cane and had to get a handicapped tag to park in a handicapped parking spot. I learned to ignore ignorant people and had to occasionally tell a few that they were rude. A year later, I had to have a C4-5 cervical fusion. So now I was walking around with a neck brace and a cane.

I had long before gotten used to being "disabled". This was also the name given to me by Social Security.

Now I have a sling and glove, and a face with funny grimacing looks. {PS I still use my cane although I have had one total knee replacement}. The looks from people still persist when they look at this disabled
person...but only in their minds...I know it is just a word of description.

To me I just have one more challenge to work on...maybe disabled but still alive and "kicking"!

Have a great day and try not to have the word "disabled" hinder you...life is so great and it is what we make of it.

