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what did your OB's actually recommend for subsequent births?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 4:40 pm
by admin
Just curious what the actual OB recommendations for your subsequent births were and if you followed or went against their advice. I am especially interested in what they said if you experienced SD with your previous BPI birth.

Re: what did your OB's actually recommend for subsequent births?

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 12:31 am
by admin
I had a scheduled C-Section with my second baby. That is what the doctor recommended and I definately went with it. I am glad I did.

Re: what did your OB's actually recommend for subsequent births?

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 12:40 am
by admin
I was flat out told that I shouldn't even have any more children. My body does not handle pregnancy very well, but up until my last child, I did deliver them without trouble. I did have SD with my BP baby. My child has a severe global injury. We will see, I may still want one more. If I DO have another baby they told me in no uncertain terms that I HAVE to have a c-section, which is fine with me because I would want a tubal ligation anyway; not to mention the fact that after the tauma I went through with my last baby, you could not pay me enough to deliver vaginally again. I think everyone just needs to figure out what is best for them. I just don't know yet, I have so much to deal with with this injury that I am not sure I could even handle another baby (my bp baby is my 3rd). I am interested to see what other people say.

Re: what did your OB's actually recommend for subsequent births?

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 2:19 am
by admin
The advice I was given, only after asking what we would do different with a future birth, was that "we would watch your weight gain". That was truly all I was told.

Re: what did your OB's actually recommend for subsequent births?

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 9:02 pm
by Connie&Andrew
Talking to my OB after my BPI baby's birth, he said he would probably recommend a c-section for any subsequent births. My BPI baby was my 5th child. I did have another baby and had a planned c-section. The OB recommended it right from the start of my pregnancy.


Re: what did your OB's actually recommend for subsequent births?

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 10:33 pm
by admin
he said ONLY have a C-section. TCH told me the same thing. so I did. Everything went great, no injury.

Re: what did your OB's actually recommend for subsequent births?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 8:31 am
by UK Mum

With 3rd delivery following 2 prior SD I wanted a cs and had gathered evidence together to discuss with consultant in the event he disagreed. As it turned out on looking into my prior records he stated a c/s was the best option.Especially as added to dd's problems I had 3rd degree tearing both times was also a had SPD(sympathis pubis dysfunction) which also affected me badly during pregnancy number 3.


Re: what did your OB's actually recommend for subsequent births?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:23 am
by JaimeC
At first, my OB said we could try induction a little early so the baby was smaller (which I wouldn't have agreed to) - but once my husband gave her the graphic details of our first delivery, she decided on C-section. We had one and it turned out just fine. Much easier to heal from than my fourth-degree + delivery. Not to say it wasn't painful. It IS major surgery - but overall peaceful and uneventful.

Re: what did your OB's actually recommend for subsequent births?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 8:42 pm
by admin
Our 3rd child suffered a BPI and shortly after she turned 1 year we were surprised with pregnancy #4. Since we were not going back to that OB I told our new OB that I was having a c-section. He asked why, my husband and I explained and that was that. I am so thankful I had a scheduled c-section. My recovery was so quick and the experience was a healing one after what I went through with #3. I did cry during the surgery and didn't stop until they told me both his arms moved. My advice, do what you feel is right for you and your family.

Re: what did your OB's actually recommend for subsequent births?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 8:45 pm
by admin
Our 3rd child suffered a BPI and shortly after she turned 1 year we were surprised with pregnancy #4. Since we were not going back to that OB I told our new OB that I was having a c-section. He asked why, my husband and I explained and that was that. I am so thankful I had a scheduled c-section. My recovery was so quick and the experience was a healing one after what I went through with #3. I did cry during the surgery and didn't stop until they told me both his arms moved. My advice, do what you feel is right for you and your family.