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Early Intervention

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2002 9:41 pm
by carron
Today I got my interview with early intervention. Now I have to take him for evaluation to see if he can receive there services but she talked like it would be no problem. I'm glad to see that they were willing to work with me and Thomas for his needs and they will stay with him till he is three and then walk us over to the school system. They even encourage parents to become advacates for there children they will pay for us to go to seminars to learn about the laws and disabilities education act.I hope I can do my part to get the word out. Thanks

Re: Early Intervention

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2002 10:12 pm
by crystal
yes its such a great program. I've learned alot for jade. they watch her one all levels. we started speech therapy today. that would not happen in some tharepy places. plus when she wasn't adapting to splint and not sleeping they called in a therapist. PLUS there is no charge in my case.

Re: Early Intervention

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2002 10:28 pm
by Sarah
My daughter has been working with the early intervention program in Ohio ("Help Me Grow") since she was a couple of weeks old. She sees an OT and a PT that are great. Another one of the therapists also taught me infant massage. I've found them to be very kind and helpful.

When Emma was born and we started dealing with getting her all the help possible, a friend said something to me that keeps me focused. She said, "You are your child's voice." I think that is such a powerful statement. I think of it often - especially when I'm arguing with doctors/nurses and pushing for what I think is necessary.

Good luck :)

Re: Early Intervention

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2002 2:11 am
by TNT1999
Hi, Carron. That's great that you're making some progress with EI. You said that you have to take him for an evaluation? Have you inquired about them going to your home? We have had all of Nicole's EI evaluations and PT/OT services at our home. The only exceptions have been going to the office once to have a splint made and meeting the PT at the playground to do the therapy there. It has really been great to be able to get these services at home. There are enough other appts. etc outside of the home already, so if we could make one at home, that's great. Plus, home is your baby's LRE (Least Restrictive Environment) right now -- his most comfortable environment. Another plus is that since they're teaching you things that you can do with Thomas yourself, it's easier if that's done at your home. Nicole's EI therapists often use mostly our toys plus they might bring a couple of their own as well. I've also kept Nicole in her PJs and she has worked on dressing with her OT's assistance. It's nice to be able to not have to spend the time to commute somewhere. Plus, I can do laundry, pay bills, make lunch, phone calls, etc. during therapy! While hospital therapy and pool therapy have their place, I can't say enough good things about having EI come to the house. Please try for this and you'll be very thankful! I hope it all works out for you. -Tina


Re: Early Intervention

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2002 1:13 am
by tina arvizu
Gabrielle started with the Early Intervention Program January 31st. She is 21 months old and will be in the program until she is three. The interview was done here at our home. I think that wanted her to be on her own turf so they could see what she really could and could not do. She very great for the interview. She freaks whenever we go to a new office. She thinks every office means DOCTOR! Go luck with the program. i have seen improvements in Gabrielle already.