Ultrasound video

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Ultrasound video

Post by Salina »

Hey all,
This is to do with the video library.
I do not know if it will help but where i deliverd they said it happen in utero but i have 3 ultrasound videos showing she is moving both arms?
Now how could this be?
Did this happen to anyone but u know it was from delivery?
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Re: Ultrasound video

Post by admin »

There are actually several "in urtero" theorys. One is that the baby was malpositioned in the uterus, and that can be defeated with ultrasound evidence. The other is that the expulsive forces of delivery injured the baby as the baby was exiting the uterus and descending. An in utero ultrasound will not effect that defense theory. In particular in cases where the baby rotated from a OP (occiput posterior) or OT (occiput transverse) position to an OA (occiput anterior) position the defense will say the baby was malpositioned.OA is the usual position for delivery. In those cases the defense will use an "in utero" defense but they are actually saying the baby was injured as it left the uterus.

Ken Levine
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Re: Ultrasound video

Post by admin »


If I am understanding you correctly...if my daughter was LOA (lt occip.anterior) and we had an ultra-sound done at 35 weeks to check her kidneys and both arms were moving at that time, then the defense would not be able to claim "maternal forces" or an in utero theory??? Also, have you ever had a case in which the child presented during delivery with the hand of the affected side on the side of their face/head???
If so, can they again claim maternal forces?

Still trying to decide which way to go with this!

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Re: Ultrasound video

Post by Salina »

This is the same that happen to us they said my Daughter arm was raised to head level the same right arm that was injured im curious about this to.
Cause it is in my medical records.
Also ive seen pics and it is considerd shoulder dystocia i also wouls like to know more.
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Re: Ultrasound video

Post by admin »

The ultrasound willm prevent only one element of the defense "in utero therory", that the baby was malpositioned in certain way while laying in the uterus. The ultrasound will not affect the other "in uteor" theories, that the baby was injured during rotation while leaving the uterus after full dliation, or that the "expulsive forces" of delivery caused injury. The ultrasound helps, but it will not stop all of the defenses.

To answer your other question, with your baby's hand by the head at delivery you have described a "COMPOUND PRESENTATION". This is a known medical condition that requires great care for delivery. It is not shoulder dystocia per se, but has very similar problems. A compund presentation is very dqangerous and must be managed correctly, or the result will be a brachial plexus injury.

I have several cases where a mismanaged compound presentation resulted in a brachial plexus injury,. If you want more information, please post a note, or contact me directly.

Ken Levine
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Re: Ultrasound video

Post by admin »


I emailed you directly!
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Re: Ultrasound video

Post by brandonsmom »

My son was sucking on his right thumb on an ultrasound.....about 5 hours before delivery. I had a picture because I thought it wa so cute. They tried to claim it happened in-vetro. It didn't work. My son is right OBPI go figure.
UK Mum
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Re: Ultrasound video

Post by UK Mum »


Re the compound presentation read this with interest. I was due to be induced on my due date due to narrow pelvis. Due to a long set of circumstances was not and eventually had augemented labour 10 days following. We were told delivery probs due to daughters arm being born close to face. SD not mentioned. In 2nd pregnancy was advised vaginal birth would be ok issue unlikely to occur again. Worse probs again during birth initially told by hospital the same happened again but DH was adamament there was no arm he saw midwife pull baby out by the head very roughly she was over 9ib.DD has lots of issues although her arm is now ok shes 7.Following our own research and help from uk group we concluded it was SD.
Fast forward to baby number 3 finally get access to other birth records during discussion with Consultant who confirms that there is nothing mentioned re compound presentation for either birth. But SD is recorded and opts for elected c/s. Baby number 3 delivered by CS no problems but consultant/surgeon during op confirms if we'd have gone ahead it would very likely have been another SD as he was wedged in pelvis.

I've tried to make this brief but those of u who have been told birth probs and arm injury due to a compound presentation please really look carefully into this epsecially if planning more children.

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Re: Ultrasound video

Post by Salina »

Thank you so much about this info.
I would have not known none of it.
I did not know what it would be called with My dd hand up by her head.
Thank you ken.
And everyone else for more info.