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Which Doctor?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 6:46 pm
by kim_vtech
Hi, how is everyone doing?

I just have a quick question to ask everyone here. I am going to see Dr. Terzis on Dec. 1 and Mayo Clinic on Jan. 5 for my first consultation. Dr. Nah is currently looking at my case to see if I'm eligible to come to him. I don't know when my appointment with him is but hopefully it's soon. I have a very tight schedule to do this surgery and I know that it can't be rushed but I have to get back for spring semester. My question is, which doctor would you recommend I see to perform the surgery. Right now, I'm looking at Dr. Terzis just because I think she can get it done the quickest. I really want to go to Mayo but the time is too close together. Spring semester starts Jan. 17.

Please if anyone could help me out...I'm really stressing. Please give me your opinion on which doctor you would recommend. Thanks so much!

Happy Holidays!


Re: Which Doctor?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 7:18 pm
by lizzyb
Kim it all depends in the end on which doctor you feel most comfortable with and this includes past record of surgical successes with adults.

I have no doubt you'll have plenty of people email you privately suggesting certain names, but in the end it will be down to your 'gut feeling.' Always bear in mind, when you are making a choice that those who advertise everywhere are not necessarily the best and those who seem to have hardly any bedside manner are not necessarily the worst!

It's hard I know to make a choice, especially when you don't have any experience of any of these Drs. In the UK where I am from you hardly have a choice, you usually get referred to the nearest specialist to where you live. Sometimes this can make it easier, but not always! ;0)

Whichever Dr. you choose, I think you might well have to consider that he or she might want you to have anything between 4 to 6 weeks resting up following surgery. If you explain that you want to get back to your education as soon as, then they might be able to speed things up a little bit.

Don't be tempted to rush this too much though; your health is far far more important that your education right now. You can always catch up on later. This upcoming primary surgery is very important right now. Try not to stress out too much.

All the best


Re: Which Doctor?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 10:14 pm
by cbe411
Hey Kim! I have to agree 150% with Liz! She does know what she is talking aobut. You really have to check into the doctor and see who you are the most comfortable with! There are many different people on here who see many different doctors for their ops. In the end, other than the financial side, its really who you feel suits you best! Different doctors offer slightly different surgeries with slightly different results. One thing to keep in mind is that nothing is 100%! I think it is great that you are leaving your options open to many different opinions and that in itself is a great way to start!

When it comes to comparing notes on surgery it can get very difficult. Many of us dont want to give you our personal experience as EVERYONES is different and what I got out of an op you might not get a vis vera.... if this makes sense. The first surgery I think is the most important, as you want to see EXACTLY what is going on in there and to try and fix whatever can be fixed. As Liz said, dont rush it! I am a full time student at Central Michigan University so I can understand the not wanting to miss classes etc. I am in a similar predicament right now, have surgery and miss school, or wait till I graduate in May? For me it is a bit different thoug as this will be my third surgery!! These are all things that you need to talk with the doctor(s) about and do share your concern with them and see what they feel is best. The more opinions you get, the better educated you can be about the injury and options as well!

As for me, I had my first op in Lousiveille, KY by Dr. Thomas Wolff (down and out for aobut 2 weeks) and my second op in Houston, TX by Dr. Nath (flew there Thursday, op Friday, flew home Sunday and back at school on Monday). Mind you these were very different procedures from each other and we all react differently.

So Ill leave you with this, go with your gut and ask tons of questions! Try not to second guess yourself or to have regrets!

If you want to email me feel free!

Best of luck and let us know how you get on with it, have a happy turkey day too!

COurt xx