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Pain on the brain
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 11:03 am
by Karl w/ a K
Just a thought, but I was reading that post about dreams. I remember programming my dreams when I was younger to rid myself of this weird nightmare I was having. So if programming dreams is possible, then I wonder how much pain can be controlled through programming the brain. Pain seems to be the major hurdle for a tbpi for most of us. Has anyone ever tried hypnosis or any other techniques to alter how the brain responds to this injury? It seems that some people have had success with the mirror box technique. Maybe I've had too much coffee, but it seems that if the brain can be tricked by the mirror box, then maybe there is a way to convince it that the arm is okay. Or that the pain isn't actually pain. I'm sure I'm not the first one to consider this. I'd like to hear from others who might have pursued this concept.
Re: Pain on the brain
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:47 pm
by Gayle Ozzy
I have tried hypnosis but ufortunately it didn't work for me. I haven't given up though because I don't think the one I went to was all that experienced and I have been given the name of man on the Gold Coast (Aust) that is apparently one of the best in the world.
If it can work for smokers I believe it could work for us.
Re: Pain on the brain
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 5:44 pm
by lizzyb
Very interesting question Karl with a K...I honestly think that after a while we naturally programme our own brains to cut out the pain. I know that I can concentrate on something else and the pain goes. I never feel pain in a dream and in these last few years, I find myself dreaming that my arm just isn't there any more. No arm for me = no pain in dreams.
I was always able to control my dreams when I was a you I had this recurring nightmare, and it used to send me screaming into the night, but I finally learned to change the ending of it, even the content of the dream if you see what I mean. I believe we can do this with the pain thing too, possily with hypnosis as a help, but doing it yourself is possible.
One of the group members of the TBPI group went on a residential pain clinic course earlier this year and he has posted a few short articles about his experiences there and what they taught him. I'm hoping when he gets a bit more time he'll finish the series off because I do believe they touched on the subject of self hypnosis or a kind of meditative state where the pain lessens considerably.
Anyway, heres the link.. ... uriesfrm10
Lizz b
Re: Pain on the brain
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 8:58 pm
by jennyb
I definitely consciously self hypnotise to deal with the pain, it's not like the stupid "You are feeeeeeling verrrrry sleeeepy" movie type hypnotism, it's the kind of mental equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and singing lalalalala very loud to drown out someone who's saying something you don't want to hear...only it's the pain I drown out. Does that make sense? I really noticed I could do this when I gave up smoking last year. I've been 13 months ciggie free now.......:0)
Someone from Harvard has written a book called " The comittee of sleep-How Artists, Scientists and Athletes Use Dreams for Creative Problem Solving-and How You Can Too" it's by Deirdre Barrett and looks very interesting from its review, but I haven't read it.