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Medications Costs

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 7:08 am
by admin
Hi everyone, have a question regarding cost of medications for BPI pain. Michael is currently on Neurontin 300mg approximately 4 to 5 times a day. We have to keep going back to Dr to get scripts for the medication every 8 weeks. A one month supply here in Australia costs us A$103.00 per box of 100. They are not on what we call our free list so have to pay full price. Please don't get me wrong I don't mind spending the money to help Michael keep his pain at a liveable level, but am really curious how everyone else goes with the cost of their medication. Any advice or information on meds costs would be appreciated....regards Narelle & Michael.

Re: Medications Costs

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 8:41 am
by lizzyb
I guess we are really lucky here in the U.K. as all we pay is a prescrition charge per prescribed item which is currently £6.40p (about A$15.70)BUT the actual amount of pills, tablets or whatever could be different from the amount you guys get prescribed. At the moment, I think the GP'S here are only allowed to prescribe up to one months worth of the drugs, so it could get expensive if you have prescriptions for several different items.

There is no charge at all if you are on certain benefits here. If there is a need to have a lot of prescriptions throughout the year, we can buy a 'season ticket.' This is a one off payment and you get certificate that allows you to get all and any prescriptions free for a year.

I don't know any other way you could get the stuff cheaper. I get so much spam from online drug suppliers offering all sorts of stuff some cheaper than you guys pay, but personally, I don't think I'd ever go that route. The temptation to overdo it for me would be too great.

Sorry I wasn't much help was I?? ;0)

Lizzy B

Re: Medications Costs

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 6:27 am
by Too Much Metho
Similar to what Jamie said, when I was discharged from hospital the doctor gave me a script for Neurontin 600mg refills from the hospital pharmacy. He told me how expensive it is otherwise. I would've given all my money for something that worked, but for me Neurontin wasn't it. Keep in mind I was taking maybe double he dose Michael is, with little or no pain relief. Wasteful bugger ain't I. Hell I've got 2/3rds of a box left that I'm only gonna throw them in the bin anyway, now, if you don't feel weird about getting free pills in the mail :) 100 bucks a month is a bit bloody rough, I'm no expert on the health system, but I'm a willing candidate for any potential scam you can think up.

Then my GP got me to try a low dose of methadone, and life is great again. One little 10mg tablet twice a day and I'm unstoppable :). Good luck guys.

Re: Medications Costs

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 7:19 am
by admin
Hey guys, thanks for the replies. Too Much Metho send away, will email address. Michael's med strength is all trial and error at the moment being such a new injury. Funny how things go his comment today was it was the best day he has had pain wise and felt relatively human again, not twisting and bending every time he gets one of those blasted attacks. I wish and pray I could channel the pain out of his body for him. The neurontin is helping him to a certain degree at the moment. Only time will tell. We are back to pain management in a few weeks time so will see what other options are available to him. We are going to try the hospital scene as Jamie has suggested. You never know your luck. As for a scam if I can think or come up with one you guys will be the first to know ! ! ! !
Take care all......Narelle and Michael

Re: Medications Costs

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 1:26 am
by david wilson
this week the news was that nuerotin will be made by the same drug company as a generic......should cost lots less. Red

Re: Medications Costs

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 7:30 am
by admin
Does this mean in Australia too! No sure where you reside David. Since the first post, found out that our private medical fund will give back half what the neurotin costs, so we are now down to $51 A$ per script. I have to admit this is better than $102 A$ and a kick in the a.... regards Narelle