I got good news from Dr. shenaq!!!!!!

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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I got good news from Dr. shenaq!!!!!!

Post by frankie »

My test went well friday!!!
I found out that I am on the "better" side of the injury. I have always been told that the C5 nerves had been completely torn yet to my wonderful suprise they havnt. They were only stretched during birth and paqrtial re-growth has occured.

Hopefully if insurance pays well and my proffesors at college let me have time off I will have the procedure done in late October early November.
November the 1 is my 29 birthday, what a wonderful birthday present that will be!!!!!

I was told that I would have a procedure done where as old scar tissue would be removed and a nerve from other parts of the brachial Plexus will be "re-routed" if I understood correctly.

Those of you that know what I am talking about probably know what the surgery is called, what is it?

What I am looking forward too?

How long was recovery for you?

How much does it cost?

and the biggggg question is-------

How much use of the arm will I have afterwards?

well Thanks for any insight
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Re: I got good news from Dr. shenaq!!!!!!

Post by PeggyUBPN »

That's great, Frankie!

It sounds like you are going to have an adult version of the primary surgery (where they go and remove scar tissue .
Adults tend to heal slower than the kids, so it depends on how far the nerves have to travel when they are re-routed as to how long it will take and every bpi is different and individual, so "your recovery" is dependent on your initial injury and what exactly is done.

Happy Birthday in advance!
Keep us posted.

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Joined: Sun Apr 14, 2002 10:25 pm

Re: I got good news from Dr. shenaq!!!!!!

Post by jep98056 »

Fantastic news Frankie.

John P.