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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 12:20 pm
by admin
I wouldn't jump on a plane just yet. I have the same problem and the pain got really bad for a while. After about six weeks the pain was pretty much gone. The scapula still wings and the specialists say to give up to 3 years to correct itself, 12 to 18 months minimum before thinking about surgury.

Re: bpi/winged scapula

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 12:26 pm
by admin
Wow, Its sound like you've been further down the winging scapula road then anybody I've found. Doctor are complete indiot when it comes to this problem. I've been to 10 doctors and they firts 9 couldn';t even diagnose the problem. Finally I found a good specialist and he told me to wait 3 years before considering any surgury. Never can grow up to 1mm/day, but couls grow alot slower. I'm playing the waiting game and doing almost nothing with my right arm for the next 3 years.

Re: bpi/winged scapula

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:57 am
by pebbles
yes i have it winging scapula .and its like having a chicken wing sticker our where the shoulder blade email address

Re: bpi/winged scapula

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 3:01 am
by admin
hey Mike, I no what you are going thru I also had seen about 7 doctors or more before I even received a proper diagnosis. I also read a ton of stuff on this subject and the 2 surgerys performed on this say some of the pain may be relieved. I also have read that some people received no results and some (more pain). I really feel for you because I also had the same mobility as you only 90 degrees for six months. I guess I'm some what fortunate because a good portion of my mobility is back. Is your shoulder cocked up, mine is about 1 inch higher than the other? I also have developed lower back pain, have you? I have had this condition for a year and 4 months. I also don't do anything with my arm and if I do I suffer dearly!!!I don't want to crush your hopes but I want to be honest with you I to thought if I layed totally low and let it heel it just might. I have a great doctor now and he said honestly this is not going to go away. He also said honestly I would not get the pec transfer or if you did make w/c send you to the guy that has done it the most. This surgery is a salvage surgery I'M NOT LETTING THEM GO TO THE HUMAN JUNK YARD TO GET SOME PARTS AND DO A ALTERATION TO MY BODY UNLESS I NO THE RESULTS ARE LESS PAIN AND FULL MOBILITY! The biggest thing I hate about this is nobody respects this much at all, let them try it out for a while it sucks! The pain, instability, and discomfort are unbareable at times! I also want to add that the rarety of it screws us. All the doctors I went to had not seen very many with this and how could they no the pain and discomfort level of this injury. Oh well I pretty much have excepted my injury and I'm ready to go back finish my degree and get a non-physical job. Well that is when w/c decides to let me since they call the shots. Please write back I actually have not talked directly with someone with this oh so wonderful condition.

Re: bpi/winged scapula

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:24 am
by james
It's so difficult to explain the feeling of this condition, I've had it longer than i care to remember.

I'd be more than happy to share my experiences, I have had all the tests and been though the decompression surgery. I'm waiting for a pec transfer!

happy to chat


Re: bpi/winged scapula

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:28 am
by james
ps how do you change your email address in the profile?

Mines no longer what it says?


Re: bpi/winged scapula

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 11:22 am
by njbirk
Steve Ferguson is now making these changes for UBPN.
Send him your information, including your name as it is in the profile and how you would like your email to read.

Nancy Birk
UBPN President

Re: bpi/winged scapula

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 4:37 pm
by admin
Hi James, It's nice to talk to someone. How bad is your condition and was it work related and go thru w/c? I'am a mentally strong person and have dealt with this pretty well. But it still sucks really bad when you love physical activities and no you will pay the price! Survey says PAINNNN!!! The hardest part of this whole injury is trying to get back my life from w/c which I no everyone has heard a thousand times. In order to make the type of money I was making I must go back and finish college and this is what I want. I don't want to take the risk of doing some sales job and possibly be successful, I want a degree now so I can expand my work options. In the very beginning I was ready to fly down to Nath and get the decrompression but w/c jerked me around to long and still is. I heard anyways that the surgery has very mixed results and most of the time doesn't take the pain away. My new doctor is a great person and doctor he doesn't feel the pec surgery or SALVAGE SURGERY is a good idea. Well I hope to get back my life from w/c which will take some of the pain away or at least a good portion of the anxiety. Hope to hear from you and good luck to you!

Re: bpi/winged scapula

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 4:39 pm
by admin
Hi James, It's nice to talk to someone. How bad is your condition and was it work related and go thru w/c? I'am a mentally strong person and have dealt with this pretty well. But it still sucks really bad when you love physical activities and no you will pay the price! Survey says PAINNNN!!! The hardest part of this whole injury is trying to get back my life from w/c which I no everyone has heard a thousand times. In order to make the type of money I was making I must go back and finish college and this is what I want. I don't want to take the risk of doing some sales job and possibly be successful, I want a degree now so I can expand my work options. In the very beginning I was ready to fly down to Nath and get the decrompression but w/c jerked me around to long and still is. I heard anyways that the surgery has very mixed results and most of the time doesn't take the pain away. My new doctor is a great person and doctor he doesn't feel the pec surgery or SALVAGE SURGERY is a good idea. Well I hope to get back my life from w/c which will take some of the pain away or at least a good portion of the anxiety. Hope to hear from you and good luck to you!

Re: bpi/winged scapula

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 6:34 am
by admin
My winging scapular was diagnosed at the age of 20, (now26) after a long while of seeing different professionals since the age of 18, u see I grow up with it but didn’t really know there was a problem, they think I could have been born like it or a viral infection damaged the nerve.
I had all the tests xrays mri scanx and Emg, and my orthopaedic surgeon want ed to see if the nerve was compressed hence the decompression which I had in Jan of this year. He wasn’t that hopeful that he would find anything or even if it would work but it was worth a sort has the pec transfer is a big op, basically he wanted to explore all avenues.
The operation went well but it’s been eight months with no improvement.

I know what you mean I’m limited to doing so little and when I do something, even like cutting the hedge I suffer so bad for days afterwards, my back has also suffered due to me only carrying my baby on one side, he is four now.

Speak soon
James uk