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Re: Reply here if you are reading this TBPI forum regularly!

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:53 am
by Geppetto
Brand new to the list, but not the injury...

Injured = Me
TBPI - 12/2004
Motorcycle meets telephone pole = injury
Good News = DREZ procedure 07/2008
Now totally pain/drug free

Like most of us on here our motto -
"Been there, tried that surgery, procedure, drug. Done that"

Re: Reply here if you are reading this TBPI forum regularly!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:42 pm
by misery101
I share this site with my son RTBPI he had auto accident almost died broke 16 bones, and has avulsions c6-c7-t1. on march 29 2007..It s been one heck of a roller coaster ride. WE read this site almost daily. It has been very helpful. I just wish more DRs. understood this injury and the pain associated with it

Re: Reply here if you are reading this TBPI forum regularly!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:19 pm
by swhite1
What a cool sister.

I had seven brothers and sisters. Not one of them have bothered to check this site out. Oh yes, they are all married so double that number.

I can't say as I blame them really because I have been a motorcycle crash test dummy. Three major wrecks since I moved to Texas have left me as 'Titanium Tim'. So many plates screws and wires it makes Home Depot look like your neighborhood general store. (I know, what century am I living in???)

The thing with them is I'm like the boy who cried wolf. It doesn't matter what condition I end up in I always seem to get up. But guess what guys? Not this time. Three hard years have gone by and it doesn't look any better.

***Sorry folks. Got carried away. I'll save it for another topic.***

Re: Reply here if you are reading this TBPI forum regularly!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:03 pm
by Mardelle
Patient Self-Mardelle
Tomorrow night at 11:11PM it will 22 yrs
Hit By Two Cars While Walking

I'm fairly new here only a few months...
I love this gives me great information and an inner know I'm no longer alone...

Re: Reply here if you are reading this TBPI forum regularly!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:18 pm
by SarahxG
I am the injured.
I'm 13 years old.
Bad delivery long story.
Anyways I just joined not too long ago.
I check this site out everyday.
And I think this is the adult message board more than anything?
But I've been waiting to see replies from kids my age and I haven't really gotten any.
Figured I'd try this one.

Re: Reply here if you are reading this TBPI forum regularly!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 11:00 pm
by Wes
Hello to everyone,
I read this everyday sometimes twice aday looking for answers and to read what is new. I hope to read the miracles to someday help me. I am the injured RBPI from cutting a tree down in June of 2004. It certainly has changed our lives but for me it for the better. Yes I have struggles in life but I have found ways to over come them and have awsome wife to help me and I thank her everyday for being there for me. thanks for all your help everyone.

Re: Reply here if you are reading this TBPI forum regularly!

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 11:19 am
by MW
I'm Mike from Chicago, LTBPI in Feb '09, hit by a truck while going for a run. After suffering broken ribs, punctured lung, fractured knee, and shattered arm, I'm lucky to be alive. I have a BP root avulsion, no movement of my entire left arm, and that nerve pain that I don't need to describe.

Thanks to Dan's sling I still run through the same intersection almost every day. I just completed my 4th post-injury road race.

Thanks to the individuals this forum, I know I'm not alone.

Re: Reply here if you are reading this TBPI forum regularly!

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 11:15 pm
by RobertRacer
Nearly 60 posts on this topic, I hope we all realize that there are at least 60 people here helping each other (and sadly more to come). Just reading this every coule of days helps me out alot sometimes.

Ok, new readers, reply here about your injury.

Re: Reply here if you are reading this TBPI forum regularly!

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:32 am
by Eric238
Are you the injured, spouse, parent or other: Me
How long injured:2.5 Months
How were you injured: Motorcycle (motocross)

Re: Reply here if you are reading this TBPI forum regularly!

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 11:59 pm
by Janelle54
I haven't written for a while but I do check in.

My injury was a car accident Jan 2, 2007. I hit black ice, car spun, rolled down an embankment, hit a tree, landed on drivers side. TBPI, Left arm amputation above elbow on Nov 21, 2008.
