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Re: Introductions

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 11:16 pm
by twinsxx2+one
Jaime- Yes, I have two sets of twins 14mths apart. I look at them now and don't remember how I did it. But, its so GREAT! They all four love their brother so much and are so good to him.

Re: Introductions

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 8:51 am
by Melissa_Allison
Hi Everyone,

I am Melissa and my husband is Joe. We have been married for 8 years and we have a beautiful daughter Allison who will be 2 in November. She has ROBPI. She has had 2 surgeries to date and she sees Dr. Waters in Boston. We live in Fall River, MA. I am an addministrative asst. and husband is an asst. manager to a seafood wholesale company.

Re: Introductions

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 9:05 am
by Pauline
Hi, I'm Pauline.
I live in Herefordshire, England with my son Ryan (aged 8), daughters Eleanor and Lauren (twins aged 7) and Joshua (who has a ROBPI) who is 5 on Christmas eve.
We live in a quiet rural village with my partner Trevor, who is a financial controller for a nearby company.
He has a son Tom who is 15, he visits quite regularly and is hero-worshipped by my kids!
I am a member of the Erbs Palsy Support group over here, and love to visit you all on this forum!

Josh was border line for a nerve graft, has had a shoulder release and tendon lengthened, 2 operations so far, a possible muscle transfer in the future.
Josh has other problems (mild cerebral palsy) but is an extremely happy kid.
I used to be a laboratory technician, now a full time mum to my angels, a far more rewarding career!
Best wishes to you all!

Re: Introductions

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 9:17 am
by LynND
Hi to everyone
My name is Lyn(51) unfortuantely my husband for 26 years John died last year. We have two sons Michael 25 and Joel 23 (LOBPI). I am a podiatrist, Michael is studying mechanical engineering and Joel is continuing the family business( est. 1953) he is in his final year as an apprentice motor mechanic. He has had to start over because his father was out of action for many months due to cancer and I had to find someone to move in to supervise him. Things are slowly improving. Joel had a derotational humeral osteotomy that has greatly improved the use of his arm. I am a strong supporter of aqua therapy.
Lyn (from South Australia)

Re: Introductions

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 12:40 pm
by mom_2x_2002
Hi I'm Nicki married to Karl for 6 yrs this past June. We have 2 children Micah 5 who just started kindergartin this year. And Hannah 3 (LOBPI) who had her first surgery (mod quad) at TCH in July. I am another one of those mother who is a "Stay at home Mom" whatever that means. We live in Waupaca, WI. Karl is a machine operator.

We are in the middle of purchasing our first house.

Re: Introductions

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 12:47 pm
by admin
Hi im linann,hubby norm 3 children Brandon 10,Ian 8,and & Katie 6..ian has a right obpi--no surgeries but has some major developmental delays currently dx as pdd,adhd,capd,hypotonia,gad,he recieves ot/pt/ is great to have this board,Linann

Re: Introductions

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 12:50 pm
by Lenni
Hi I am Lenni, mother to Ashley 8 yrs , and Frannie 4 yrs, wife to George for 17 yrs! George is a paper maker and I am a Director and part owner of a Manufacturing Company. Ashley has had no surgies to date but will have a muscle and tendon transfer at the end of January in Vancouver BC. Frannie is a wonderfuly hyper , easy going , animal loving , tomboy! We live way up the West Coast of BC, Canada,in a isolated community . You can't drive in or either take a ferry or two or fly! We refer to ourselves as the Beverley Hillbilly family! LOL And we feel truly blessed to live in such paridise!

Re: Introductions

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 4:40 pm
by bettys2tired
Hi...My name is Betty...I'm a "stay at home" (LOL) mom...I've been married to Kelvin for 18 years (He's a dentist). We have 8 children: Danny 17, Tom 15, Holly 13, Nathan 11, Jacob 5, Kristi 3, Matthew 2 and David (LOBPI) 10 months. David is surgery-free so far. Dr. Nath has recommended the mod-quad (from viewing videos)...we're waiting for David's progress to plateau before we decide. He is crawling and can reach to about 120 degrees.

Re: Introductions

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 6:40 pm
by kalliesmom
Hi again everyone! My name is Jessica, my husband Brian and I live in Wichita Falls TX with our 2 children.
Kallista(Kallie)is 4 and has RT BPI. Korban our son is 2.
I am a homeschooling stay at home mom and my husband is a car salesman. (an honest one!)
Kallie had the mod quad done and has therapy 2X a week. Aquatic and OT plus a little Hippotherapy by me only because we have our own horses.
We are also in the process of getting TES for her but it seems like it will take forever.
Our email is

Re: Introductions

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 10:11 pm
by kzd02
Hi. I'm Kimberly 22yrs. mother to Zoe 17 months. We live in Cape Girardeau, MO.
Zoe hasn't had any surgeries yet but is scheduled for the mod quad and wrist capsulodesis on Nov. 17 with Dr. Nath. I have been lucky enough to stay at home, but will be going back to work in the begining of Jan.