Reply here if you are reading this TBPI forum regularly!

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery

Re: Reply here if you are reading this TBPI forum regularly!

Post by snipermax »

Im Mike from the philippines...
Had a motorcycle accident last april 2008,..
All roots avulsed,..right,..
I had a surgery last sept 2008 wherein they took some of
my c7 on good arm and connected it to the damaged side,..
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Re: Reply here if you are reading this TBPI forum regularly!

Post by herff94 »

You are ALL amazing people from all over the world.
This sight is a miracle and thank you to the person that started it.
We are all together in this.

Bless you all..................................
Posts: 41
Joined: Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:04 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Motorcycle accident Oct 8, '06. TBI and LTBPI. Brachial Plexus Reconstructive surgery at the Mayo by Shin/Bishop/Spinner Jul '07. Gracilis muscle transfer for new bicep is working somewhat, still have a way to go-no hand-to-mouth motion yet!
Location: Beavercreek, Ohio 45434

Re: Reply here if you are reading this TBPI forum regularly!

Post by brentr6 »

Hey Guys,

TBPI Left Arm/TBI..."The One".

8th Oct 2006

Motorcycle accident, and yes, I've been back on two wheels!! Feels darn good!

God bless each and everyone,

Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 12:30 am

Re: Reply here if you are reading this TBPI forum regularly!

Post by Denis »

I just found this site last night. I have read a lot of postings already and really see that there are a lot of us with similar problems.

I had a ski malfunction in a Masters Ski race just short of my 66th birthday in April of 06. My left shoulder was torn apart but I stood up and skied off the course. When I could not move my arm or hand to grasp my ski pole I realized that I had a problem. Although the top of the humerus was shattered and dislocated as well as the tendons being torn off the bone I had no pain. At the hospital they kept referring to my BP injury and I kept correcting to my shoulder. The pain and results of my BPY came later. Luckily the nerves were not severed and I now have some funtion. I still ski 5 or 6 days a week and intend to race again next season if I can get a better grip on my pole.

Re: Reply here if you are reading this TBPI forum regularly!

Post by siamerican »

Hi, I'm Steven in Thailand,just posted my story, not sure if it has been approved yet...

briefly for this thread

I am injured =tbpi / spinal contusion on Jan 21/22 2009 via whiplash from moped collision wit roadside tree

expect at least one avulsed root, awaiting emg confirmation/ prognosis for potential surgery intervention

prepared for worst, hoping for best..

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Posts: 240
Joined: Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:03 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: X

Re: Reply here if you are reading this TBPI forum regularly!

Post by AngelaW »

I was injured in a motorcycle accident with my dad due to mechanical failure. My dad broke both his legs up to his hips trying to break the bike and later suffered a stroke but he survived.
Ibroke both bones in my right leg, tore 3 ligaments in my right knee, sheered off my inner right thigh, shattered my pelvis, lacerated my liver, collapsed a lung, fractured the wings of my vertebrae and my face, broke my right arm and of course,dammaged my brachial plexus.
I spent 3 months in the hospital and now live with my parents while I undergo surgeries to fix everything :)
It's been almost 9 months since the accident and I keep on truckin. Too much work has gone into me to back down now. This site has been one of my saving graces.
The D.O.T.
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Joined: Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:58 pm

Re: Reply here if you are reading this TBPI forum regularly!

Post by The D.O.T. »

Hi Tim, it's your sister. Thanks for letting me know about this site. There is a lot of good information and it's awesome you finally have a support group!

My story brother just joined "tiblessing" and he sent me an email to check it out. He was in a motor cycle accident that left him with RTBPI. It was the worst experience of my life. I'm just happy he survived and is working so hard to get his life back. We've been trying to find a support group ever since the accident. It's so great this network of you all are here. Good luck to each and every one of you. I will check back often so I can stay updated on the latest. I pray every day that my brother gets his arm back.

Message was edited by: The D.O.T.
Leah 83
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Re: Reply here if you are reading this TBPI forum regularly!

Post by Leah 83 »

I just found this forum a couple of weeks ago, and just by reading posts I feel like I have a new support group of people who understand what I'm going through.

I am the injured.

Since Jan 19, 2008


High velocity MVA
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Re: Reply here if you are reading this TBPI forum regularly!

Post by MB15 »

Hello everyone,

As so many of you have said, this site is an amazing support system for all of us. I read posts almost everyday and occasionally will post updates on me. That being said:

I am the injured. My BPI occurred during shoulder replacement surgery almost two years ago.

Kinda stinks that I have a brand new shoulder but I can't use it...YET!

Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:52 am

Re: Reply here if you are reading this TBPI forum regularly!

Post by Motherbird »

My three yr old daughter and I were in a car accident in Sept.'08. She had a broken humorous that was in a cast for 3 weeks. We kept telling orthopedics that her shoulder looked "funny" and it was just hanging there. They told us after the cast was off she would use it again. She still didn't use it after a few weeks after the cast was off. Finally after her dad and I telling them something wasn't right they sent us to do occupational therapy. We thought if the bone was healed she should be using it better than she was.
The therapist immediately thought bpi and her shoulder was subluxed. It made us mad that the ortho doc didn't know this sooner and maybe we could have started something sooner. Maybe not but still they were so concerned with the break they didn't look into the shoulder after we told them. I had never heard of this injury before. We are still doing therapy and going to Mayo next month for the first time for a second opinion. Her docs now say no surgery at this time. I check in on this site occasionally. You guys are very informative and I want to be prepared to help my daughter through this. She is currently doing very well. She has most of her movement back but it takes some "work" for her to move her arm.