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Re: some good news...not all guys are bad

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:26 pm
by Luc
Yeah man,
I have spend probably over 200 extra hours in the gym lifting left side (OBPI side) trying to straighten out my left side on the nautilis machines, it doesn't help much, the range of motion and tissue is just diffent and apart from the extra artirtius I got, I have gained nothing. I remem ber after lifting Hard on the left only side for about a month I thought I was about 1/ 3 of the way there on evening out my pecs and I yelled, "Hot damn!" in the gym mens room, but later found out it was just the angle of the mirror!

Anyway that would be great... I live in the St. Louis, Missouri area, I had a friend from Buffulo NY who just left recently, he goes to Canada every weekend... he says its not that far from St. Louis...
