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Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 5:32 pm
by Kath
I am so happy for you and your family... Sorry they lost all their things. I am so happy they are safe.
There is so much bad new from that area it's great to hear good news.

Kath adult/obpi

Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 7:31 pm
by Mandie
A lesson in giving.

My girls went through their rooms today and picked things to donate. We gathered up 3 big boxes full and we all went to the shelter @ a local church to drop it off.

Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:52 pm
by PeggyF
I've gotten some good news! My friends that went to the north bank made it through the hurricane and went further away today to relatives! I had another email from another friend who went to Robert, LA.
Still no word on E.J. and some others, but I am happy to know that Lori and her family and Leigh are alive!
They have a long way to go; please continue to keep them in your thoughts and prayers! Thanks so much to all who are doing what they can to help these devestated people. Their homes are gone; their livelyhood is gone; they need so many people who need humanity and kindness.
Sorry if I'm rambling. I'm overwhelmed with emotion.


Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 12:34 am
by sandi raney
It is so overwelming! I feel so sad. I want to help, so I have been calling a lot to try to donate clothes,etc. The Red Cross isnt ready for clothes yet. They need food, water, soap, blankets and pillows. They also need baby formula and stuff to feed the kids, like juice boxes and snacks. At my Husbands Home Depot store, they are sending 7 associates and the Mgr. in a RV to go feed people, or whatever they can do. Two associates at his store have lost family members. Keep Praying and God Bless us all.

Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:17 pm
by Kath
I hope some of you have located family members.
All of you are in my prayers.

Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:58 pm
by PeggyF
Those still looking for loved ones can upload pictures to this site and email info:

Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:35 pm
I have a missing cousin. He is an adult, not a child. This situation is just horrible. 4 days later and still 10's of thousands still on rooftops and stranded elsewhere. What in the world? women are getting raped, people beaten and robbed. Do we not live in America? It looks and sounds more like a 3rd world country and not like 2005. I am so upset, these people are just dying from starvation, dehydration, and need meds.


Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:41 pm
by PeggyF
I spent an endless amount of time on the phone waiting to talk to someone at the Red cross; once I finally got a live person to talk to, I was told:

"The American Red Cross is not in a position to go looking for people
today; nor are the local officials.. It is up to individuals to take
care of themselves as best they can. It is unsafe to go into the
neighborhoods in New Orleans today."

That was this morning; I hope that tune has changed now.


Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 1:49 pm
by Kath
I hope you find your cousin.
Please let us know when you hear anything.
My thoughts and prayers with all of the families suffering as a result of this terrible disaster
Kath ( adult/obpi)

Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 2:39 pm
by tracy1972
I contacted my local Red Cross to see about donating the meds. I have(about $700.00 worth) that I cannot take due to allergic reactions that I had with them. They are still in oringinal containers with all info. on them. They told me they don't accept "drug" donations. Go figure. It sickens me that they are sitting on top of my fridge collecting dust when someone down there could possibly be in need of it. God be with them.
