Chiropractic on a brachial plexius injury

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: Chiropractic on a brachial plexius injury

Post by m&mmom »

I'm not a professional chiro however I just recently had this conversation with Matthew's alternative therapy providers.
1) So, what role did chiropractic play with the recovery of each child?
Child maintains good posture, spine is in alignment, when children compensate and have bad posture it presses on other good nerves reducing good conductivity.
(2) What EXACTLY does chiropractic help with?
Posture, balance, Matthew's would walk with his right foot out, after treatment this stopped - his knee was out of alignment
(3) What EXACT techniques are used to achieve this?

(4) Can you tell us what a session would consist of and how long it should last?
Matthew's sessions include adjustments and reikki energy. We go twice a week right now and they last about 5-10 minutes. They used to last longer but things are staying where they should now.
(5) How often should chiropratic adjustments be done ?
Varies by person/child
(6) How does one find a chiropractor to work on a child with a bpi ?
Call and ask questions, see if anyone you know is going and ask if they are pleased with treatments.
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Re: Chiropractic on a brachial plexius injury

Post by Kathleen »

I started treatment today AGAIN...

My PT is also a Chiropractor.

When I went for a re-evaluation today (required by my insurance every year)

He check me over and said he had to give me some gentle adjustments... my spine, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, scapular all out of line since I was last there and when he finished... I realized how much pain I was in before he adjusted me. He also does myofacia release...

I feel so much better since my adjustment today...even though I know mine no longer last as long as I want them it does help....

But I am very careful about any doctor touching my person.

But he took all my Awareness material and read it when I began going to him 2 years ago... That says a lot for any doctor.

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Re: Chiropractic on a brachial plexius injury

Post by Lenni »

Can't MYOB either! Everyone's experiences are different and it is important ro accecpt them and respect them. Choice of tone for expressing our views is important too.