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Re: Survey

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 12:54 am
by katep
I check this and the other boards when there is nothing going on on the main general board :)


Re: Survey

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 4:10 am
by admin
How about putting a regular post up on the general board reminding people to check down here? That way the picnics etc don't need to be put up there at all, that board is busy enough as it is. Then people can reply, discuss hotels, appointment times etc down here without clogging up the general board. Just an idea :)

Re: Survey

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 1:35 pm
by tcon
I never check it. I just saw a post about using it instead of the other board.

I dont think you are going to get an accurate survey as the only people to respond will be those that check the evnts board.

Re: Survey

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 11:58 pm
by katep

I think the point of the survey is to support the argument that no one reads this board. Even though people who have posted here and bump their posts here haven't responded to this thread...


Perhaps people only read the topics that might actually interest them on this board? For instance, I am not from Chicago and am not interested in seeing Dr. Nath so I don't read those posts. Just a thought...


Re: Survey

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 9:29 am
by mom999
People might check the bpi events board more often if they could actually SEE the forum. But being that the forum is so low in the list, people miss it because they don't scroll down to see that the dot is colored.

It's one thing to sequester events to its own area but it's quite another thing to remove the area from the visual. I do see this as discrimination because it's evident that most of the events posted concern one doctor.

If you remove the UBPN board of directors from this post, you'll see that not many people come to this area.

Re: Survey

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 9:50 am
by TNT1999
mom999, I think you're really reading into things. I don't think that people need to check an events board daily. I would think that as long as you check the board at least weekly, then you wouldn't miss any upcoming event b/c there s/b well over a week's notice to an upcoming event. Right?

Also, as far as the forum being so low on the list, for one thing, I believe it was the latest forum to be created. Also, I personally think it s/b at least somewhat low b/c once again, it's not something you really need to read on a daily basis.

Maybe some people just aren't interested in attending gatherings so they don't come here. Maybe some people come here, but just didn't reply to this survey. There are many lurkers on all the boards.

I think it's really a reach to say that it's discrimination due to most of the events concerning one doctor. In fact, if it were segregated due to most posts concerning one dr., then someone might say it c/b considered reverse discrimination (someone else might say, "look, Dr. X has his own message board on UBPN").

Who are you? Are you new here? Did you create this ID just to complain about the board of directors and bypass the guest post approval? This is not the typical way a new person introduces him/herself to the board.


Re: Survey

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:26 pm
by AndreaJack
I read this board if I see a post on the general board saying there is a topic posted that applies to me. I also came here to post an upcoming BPI clinic and to reply as necessary. Other than that, I read the general message board.

Re: Survey

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:31 pm
by sydney's mom
I try to read it everyday. I have to scroll down, but it's no big deal.

Re: Survey

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 3:17 pm
by momof2gr8kids
Everytime I log on I come check it out hoping for something it toronto.

Re: Survey

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 2:23 pm
by Noahsmom

I am not very active on the boards these days -- visiting maybe once or twice a month. I forget about the BPI Events boards, so I like those reminders published in the General Message Board to check this board. That helps a lot. When I check in, I always read the General Message Board, so I appreciate it when people post there to announce their posting in the Events forum.

Also, this survey should be posted on the General Message Board. You are asking people if they read the events board on this board. So if they are reading your survey, then they are reading the board!

Noah's Mom