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Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 7:13 pm
by Kath
I just saw a news report this is so terrible.
Praying for all those who are affected by this and their family.

Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 7:38 am
by lizzyb
Has anyone heard anything of Amy? She's the girl with a TBPI who stayed with me for a while with Courtney last year...she lives in Mobile if I remember rightly. I have emailed a few times but they keep bouncing back...Court, have you heard from her?

Lizzy B

Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 11:51 am
by cherie_hohertz
I finally got a call last night about 8:30. Everyone is safe and sound. WHEW!

My parents house is still standing, although it does have some structural damage. It is still liveable, thank goodness. My sister's house didn't make it. The entire east side of the house collapsed on itself because the sheetrock was so saturated.

My parents and my niece made it out and are now in Jackson, MS staying with my mother's sister. My sister, her husband, and my nephew stayed on the coast to start clean up efforts. They said it was worse than their worst nightmare.

My parents' subdivision is right on a bay from the gulf. Luckily, they are the first house in the subdivision (farther from the water). They took a walk around the subdivision yesterday, and the houses that were on the water were completely gone... nothing left but the concrete foundation.

The Mississippi Power Company put out a bulletin that said their entire power structure is destroyed. They will have to rebuild the entire thing. They said, at the EARLIEST, power would be restored in 8-12 weeks. School has been cancelled for 2 months, with a possible extension. (My nephew's school was GONE... Nothing left at all).

Jason and I are leaving tomorrow after work and heading to Jackson. On Friday morning, we'll leave with my parents to head down to the coast so we can help recover some of my sisters stuff. Sarah's staying here with Jason's mother and sister, as I am not going to chance taking her down there. There's no electricity (obviously), and I don't think she would do well with the heat.. Not to mention that there are sanitation issues, and since she just had surgery, I don't want to take the risk of her getting any kind of infection.

Thank you for your prayers, thoughts, and well wishes. I cannot even begin to express my gratitute (and my family's gratitude) for your support.


Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 1:04 pm
by Paula
Thank God they are ok! My brother got a call last night to report to duty by 7 am so he did and he got sent back home to get clothes cause he was being sent out. He is a Sgt with the Army MPs. I guess there has been alot of looting. I'm glad they are going.

Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 4:07 pm
by PeggyF
Take care, Cherie and God Bless you and your family. There is a long row to hoe now, but at least they are alive! I agree it's best you leave Sarah and not risk any type of infection.
Be safe; stay healthy!

Give us an update when you are able.


Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 4:16 pm
by PeggyF
Some employers will match donations made to the hurricane relief fund. I found this out when I went to the Red Cross website:

Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 4:18 pm
by tylergsmom
Lizzy B--I'm sure she's fine. I am in Mobile too and there have been no deaths reported. We are still without power, but doing just fine. I work for the major newspaper in Mobile (which is why I have power to be able to get on my computer), so I get all of the news first hand. We did have a lot of damage, but nothing in comparison with Mississippi or New Orleans. I'm sure she is just fine.


Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 4:22 pm
by tylergsmom
Cherie - So sorry to hear about your family. I know first hand the destruction that they are seeing and it's truly devestating for the entire coast. Be careful going to Jackson. I know that the Alabama/Miss. line is closed and no one is allowed to go in or out of Miss. right now. I'm not sure where you are coming from, but just be ready for any road blocks you may come across. Good Luck!


Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 5:10 pm
by Mandie
Great News! My niece (she lives with her dad while my sister is recovering from her stroke) called at 3 AM and they had just made it to Baton Rouge! They lost everything though. Their whole town of Empire is under water.

They are alive though!!! YAY!

Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 5:13 pm
by PeggyF
YAY, INDEED! I'm happy for you, Mandie!

No news for me yet, I'm afraid.
I'll keep praying,
