Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
Tanner's Mom
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Re: Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey

Post by Tanner's Mom »

Just bringing these replies over from the adult obpi board.

Re: Forcep, Vacuum or Hands related to your birth injury? Kath Posted: Apr 7, 2005 4:26 PM Reply

I was told that the doctor was sitting on the floor and my mother on the edge of the bed to deliver me... so I am assuming he used his hands to pull me out...

I had high forceps delivery for all three of my own children. The doctor said he had to fracture my cyocc (sp) to delivery my first child. My second and third child were also high forceps. the (jerk) who delivered him told me his arm was transverse..
My first child has a trigemynal (sp) nerve damage to her face (not noticable) we did not discover it until she was older. I did not realize all the things that happened when she was born nor how many mistakes they made that cause the traumatic delivery for both of us. She had a black chest when she was born and no forehead to speak of ... My children were not injured like me so I feel I am lucky now.

Re: Forcep, Vacuum or Hands related to your birth injury? njbirk Posted: Apr 7, 2005 4:46 PM Reply

Forceps for me.


Re: Forcep, Vacuum or Hands related to your birth injury? Tanya in NY Posted: Apr 8, 2005 12:58 AM Reply

No vacuum or forceps...just the petite little hands of my midwife pulling on Amber's head. Thanks a bunch!

Tanya in NY

Re: Forcep, Vacuum or Hands related to your birth injury? Guest: nirmal Posted: Apr 8, 2005 12:22 PM Reply

forceps in my child's case

Re: Forcep, Vacuum or Hands related to your birth injury? Judy-T Posted: Apr 8, 2005 12:45 PM Reply

I was breach, so It was the hands.

Re: Forcep, Vacuum or Hands related to your birth injury? Carolyn J Posted: Apr 9, 2005 12:18 AM Reply

I was told it was forceps that did this.
Carolyn J

Re: Forcep, Vacuum or Hands related to your birth injury? Guest: Pat Posted: Apr 10, 2005 2:31 AM Reply

Forceps for me too

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Re: Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey

Post by admin »

vacuum and traction for first
forcepts and hands for second
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Re: Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey

Post by Kwest »

Forceps and hands
Karrie in MD
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Re: Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey

Post by Karrie in MD »

Doctors hands. Kyle came out very bruised on his face and down the whole left side of his body and all the blood vessels in his eyes ruptured so he had blood shot eyes for weeks.
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Re: Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey

Post by admin »

Male doctor hands
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Re: Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey

Post by JamieMarie'smommie »

a vacum extraction and a 4th degree tear after 22hrs of labor and 5 or 6 hours of pushing.
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Re: Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey


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Re: Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey

Post by admin »

Just a stupid midwifes hands was enough to cause my daughter a life long disability,shoulder dystocia. 3 good pulls to her head (admitted to by the hospital in question in their explanation of what went wrong!).Good episiotomy, caught my labia too - owww, took 16 weeks to heal.Two pairs of hands inside me pulling at my little girl, knees touching my chin, and 130Kilo midwife applying suprapubic pressure too. How dignified does that sound! English mother to a beautiful little girl who continues to astound me daily!
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Re: Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey

Post by admin »

Our daughter was injured by hands and forceps-severe injury-total avulsion on the C6, C7 and partial C8 with Horner's syndrome.
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Re: Forceps, Vacuum, or Hands Survey

Post by admin »

Forceps were used, but I don't know how the injury was caused and am wondering how other mothers know what caused the injury (hands, forceps...).