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Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2003 3:00 pm
by Gianni
Gee, if it is local, maybe the three of you, Paul, Rob and Gianni could meet at the race.

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 11:26 pm
by Rob25
Hello everyone, First off, I went to the gathering stayed until about 12:30 but got bored so I left. I saw a few people but then I lost them. Anyway, I am glad to say that I think that my arm is responding because I feel pretty good tingles in my deltroid area and I could swear that I feel a little flexion on my bicept. Also I had an EMG performed the day before the gathering and I was told that one motor unit in the bicept is working. I know that their are thousands of motor units in the bicept but my point is if one is working the law of connetivity means that the nerves are conducting signals and the nerve graph was successful, right? So its just of matter of time. Just to let everyone I'm feeling things that I haven't felt before and I'm excited. PS Dr. Grossman and Dr. Price are absolutly great doctors and they know what they are doing but their only problem is on patient and Dr. relationship in the sense I call and leave messages but they don't call back. Other then that I would allow them to perform the surgery again if need be.

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 3:42 pm
by Bill-C
Hi everyone, just thought I'd let you know my status. 4 months post surgery to C5,C6 by Dr. Nath and I have some bicep flexion. Nothing in my deltoid yet but I hear it takes a little longer. Just waiting patiently.

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 5:39 pm
by Gianni
Hi Rob,

That is great news. I am so happy for you. It gives me hope for Gianni's improvement.


Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 11:29 am
by admin
great news

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 9:00 pm
by Rob25
hello again. Just want to give an update, the feeling of tingles in my arm are getting stronger and I'm feeling it from my deltroid all the way down now to my pointer finger but only sometimes. Its just been 6 months since my surgery to my C5 and C6. Anyone that has had my type of surgery with my type of injury that has recovered, is this what you felt or something simalar. And this part is for Bill C ...I saw that you said that you are feeling Bicep flexion. can you move your arm yet or is it just moving the muscle? Better yet what are you feeling? the only reason why I'm asking is that I want to Know if what I'm feeling in my bicep is actually flexion. Thanx for any info Rob

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 9:58 pm
by Paul
great work Rob !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Paul

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 2:07 pm
by admin
Does anyone know of a surgeon(s) that performs brachial plexus repair in the Chicago area/Illinois?

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 11:07 am
by admin

When I first was injured I couldn't lift my arm at all,I had no use of it at all. I go to therapy 3 times a weeek and the Dr's as well as my self are amazed at my progress. I can lift my arm and move it as well. I have no use of my hand though. I had an EMG and it showed all my nerves as well as my muscles are damaged, except for my deltoid muscle, it showed some activity but very limited. They sent me to a nerosurgeon who specializes in bpi and he was amazed at my progress. He said I was futher along then he imagined. He also said surgery has not guarenntee and he didn't think i would be a canidate for it anyways. So my point is keep your chin up and try as hard as you can, you may be amazed at your progress with no surgery at all. Do you go to therapy? It helps me more then I thought it would. Also the Dr says these injuries are so different in every person so it is hard to tell how much use each will get... Hope this helped a little bit!!!!!!!!!

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 9:25 pm
by Paul
Gina your right they are all different in each person. I have gone to therapy alot in the frist year. Now I just do range of motion each day. Im trying to get back into it. I have all the maichines here and Im just finshing instaling a indoor pool. So i want to do 4 or 5 hour or more per day. And some less invesve oparations combined with exersize and therapy. What year was your injury Gina? And how are you doing now? Where are you from? Paul