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Re: Topomax

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 2:32 am
by admin
I started three weeks ago on 25mg a day with instructions to build up to 100mg a day over 4 weeks. but only after 3 weeks do I feel I can up the dose to 50 a day. I have had pretty good short term memory loss, very dizzy when walking, trouble concentrating, incredible dreams, and emotional crying fits in response to movies and such that are pretty wild. that was the first two into the third week things are settling down and I can try 25mg twice a day. as they say "what a long strange trip its been" (or gonna be!...sure am glad I am a child of the 60's and seen some of this before...chuckle)

Re: topomax--what happens??

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 7:02 pm
by admin
It started out as a seemingly mild rash on my chest. At times its redder than others. Now the rash seems to be spreading to my shoulder. At 1st when the rash appeared it seemed to go away. Now it seems to be back for good and worse. Have any of you experienced anything like this ? I need to know.

Re: Topomax

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 12:58 pm
by admin
My doctor put me on Topomax to eliminate my cronic Migraine problem (it worked very well by the way!) one side effect was that Alchohol sounded awful to me. Other carbonated beverages are disgusting as well as they taste extremely salty.

Re: TOPOMAX and Muscle Jerking Anyone?

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 7:26 pm
by admin
Have you had an mri? Have you been tested for MS? The jerking thing is what makes me ask

Re: TOPOMAX and Muscle Jerking Anyone?

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 1:42 am
by question_everything
all i know is that topomax just ruined my life. So what if I lost 5 pounds? I just got 2 F's on my biggest science grades...not to mention my IQ has now gone below 90.

How many people take topomax for bipolar/manic or any mental illness?

I couldn't remember what my teacher was telling me what to do, and everyone thinks I'm BSing about it, even my own parents(I'm taking 150mg of TM.)and if I get an F on my report card I wont be able to go to this school I've been working so hard to get into. (1,000 apply but only 125 get in and already out of a certain amount of certain girls) And if I get a D or an F I have no school to go to.

SO I just went totaly manic at school crying spell thing and my mom picked me up.

I just, gosh, I want to be ok just for awhile I'm to young for this. (I'm not 10 or 12)

thank you if you read my problems and reply :)

Re: Topomax

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 7:24 pm
by admin
I have been on Neurotin for nerve damage for over a year and have gained 45 lbs., which I didn't like. So, my new Doctor switched me to Topomax after weening me off of of the neurotin, I lost 6 lbs in 2 weeks, but, after the 1st week I felt that my body was on fire and my nerves are burning, so bad I couldn't get any comfort and couldn't sleep, so since I had some Neurotin left i took one of them and the burning quit. Now, I am lost on what to do, I want to lose the wight but I can't handle the pain. It takes over my life.

Re: Topomax - additional side effects

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 7:37 pm
by admin
> Hi--I am beginning week 3 of Topamax (am at 150 mg
> now) and was wondering when the weight loss starts
> happening!?! I am on it for that reason mainly, but
> also for mood and anxiety (same thing) and migraines
> and diabetes prevention. I also have a couple other
> things happening. Just curious...PS my hands are
> FREEZING all the time!

HI, my name is Isa. I noticed you were one of the few people on the topomax bulletin board to take it mainly for weight loss. I am also considering this, but I am worried about what the side effects are if you don't have seizures or migrains. I do have horrible headaches, but a neurologist has told me they aren't migraines. I am very confused about the whole thing, and would really appreciate any input you might have.

Thank you for your time,
Isa Small

Re: Topomax

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 4:35 pm
by admin
Have you had any reactions or withdrawal symptoms by abruptly stopping your use of Topomax? I stopped taking it two days ago and am just worried about any effects that may arise.

Re: Topomax

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 11:08 pm
by veggiebug
I'm on 100mg twice a day of Topomax and personally I have had no negative side effects.
I was on Depakote previously and that made me gain lots of weight and I couldn't concentrate or have a normal conversation without forgetting what I was talking about. It made me feel as if I were going crazy.
Then they put me on Topomax and I lost the weight I had gained then it steadied out with no more weight loss. I still remember my first conversation once I went off Depakote and went on Topomax I actually spoke all the way through a sentence without the feeling of having no clue what I had just said. Also when I began I felt the pins and needles and also a little lightheaded but soon they subsided once my body got used to the medicine.
I take it for migraines and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I got my life back. I've tried so many things in the past and this actually worked.
Sorry to hear how what it's doing to other people but it has worked good for me.

Re: Topomax

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 11:24 am
by admin
hi, If you don't mind me asking how much did you lose? Were you over weight? I've gained over 50lbs since the following meds: depakote, tegeratol, risperdal, triliptal, lamictal. Dr says that this will aid in weight loss while stabilizing my bipolar disorder.