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Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 9:27 am
by admin
I am currently interested in taking topamax. It seems like it would be good for me because I also get migrains, am taking other meds for depression, have trouble sleeping, and really needs to loose weight. But I am getting turned off by all of the ugly side effects everyone is talking about. It the memory loss that bad? I'm a collage student and could not afford to 'loose my mind' so to speak! Please give me your honest opinion!

Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 12:59 pm
by admin
I recently have discontinued taking Topamax. The side effects i had were: When i first started taking and these lasted for a month: Pop/soda tasted wierd, i would get intermittent tingling in my feet/hands, and i had nooooo appetite and i was able to lose some weight. BUT, all of that did change and i went back to normal after a month. I was taking Topamax for migraine's. I did experience a decrease in headache's for that first month...THEN- I would get a headache everyday. That was a new thing. They were almost like spinal headache's too. Like after a spinal tap. Bizarre, i only noticed it was the topamax because when i forgot to take it one day, i didn't have a headache that day. I weaned myself off of it. It just wasn't for me.

Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:57 pm
by admin
I went to the doctor today regarding the side effects and for my nerve blocks. It seems that I am one of the very few that have an allergy to Topamax. I have since been taken off the drug. When my tongue swelled up the other night after taking two pills, I knew something was wrong. I wish you all success with this medication, should you all pursue it.

God bless you all.


Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 10:07 pm
by admin
I'm currently on Topamax 1/day x 75mg for chronic daily headaches and have minor side-effects so far (i.e., dry mouth, thirsty, no appetite, itchy, word-finding issues). My pain is just now starting to subside in 30 - 60 min. windows throughout the day (thank goodness!!!) so for now I'm pretty happy.

I've ready the history of this topic and one thing I haven't seen posted is whether or not some of the more psychological side-effects could be generated by severe malnutrition caused by the anorexia generated by the lack of appetite? I know there are periods of multiple days where I don't remember to eat at essence I'm committing accidental anorexia. I wonder though if that's not part of what could be contributing to some the side-effects that are more along psychological lines?

Any thoughts? So far, I haven't had any such side effects, but wanted to get some input.

Also, my doc recommends taking magnesium, B2, and LOTS OF WATER to help cope with the side effects :)

I'm looking forward to everyone's input - thanks!

Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 10:08 pm
by admin
I'm currently on Topamax 1/day x 75mg for chronic daily headaches and have minor side-effects so far (i.e., dry mouth, thirsty, no appetite, itchy, word-finding issues). My pain is just now starting to subside in 30 - 60 min. windows throughout the day (thank goodness!!!) so for now I'm pretty happy.

I've ready the history of this topic and one thing I haven't seen posted is whether or not some of the more psychological side-effects could be generated by severe malnutrition caused by the anorexia generated by the lack of appetite? I know there are periods of multiple days where I don't remember to eat at essence I'm committing accidental anorexia. I wonder though if that's not part of what could be contributing to some the side-effects that are more along psychological lines?

Any thoughts? So far, I haven't had any such side effects, but wanted to get some input.

Also, my doc recommends taking magnesium, B2, and LOTS OF WATER to help cope with the side effects :)

I'm looking forward to everyone's input - thanks!

Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

Posted: Sat May 15, 2004 4:00 am
by admin
My neurologist put me on 200 mg. of Topamax daily for migraine headache "control".After only 4 and 1/2 months, I noticed some VERY subtle vision blurring (on and off),so I went to my eye doctor. Sure enough, I was developing increased intra-occular pressure which would have lead to blindness from glaucoma!There was nothing wrong with my eyeglasses,but as soon as my eye Dr. reported to me that I had increased pressure in my eyes I knew it was this drug.(Thank God I'm a nurse,or I may not have known of this possible side effect,and made the "connection")My vision was fine.....the blurring was caused from the drug.
After a lab test of my urine, it was also discovered that I was developing kidney stones from Topamax,too
I went off the medication immediately,and am so grateful that I caught these symptoms in time before they caused a horrible change in my life.
NO headache is worth going blind for!These side effects took only a few weeks to present themselves. Be VERY careful with your vision if you take this med.The blurring is SO subtle, that if I had not been "sharp",I would have just continued the med and, put off an eye doctor appt.,and not gotten immediate intervention. BE CAREFUL FOLKS! I was very lucky.

Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 7:19 pm
by admin
what dosage were you on when you started losing the weight?

Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 3:19 pm
by admin
my neurologist suggests calcium fortified oj and a banana every morning. this is a pretty common side effect. after about six months on 100 mg a day, i still get some tingles in my feet and nose. I am extremely happy with this med as treatment for cluster headaches.

Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 3:41 pm
by admin
I have been taking Topomax for approximately 8 months now for migraines and Fibromyalgia. The migraines have decreased tremendously but I am extremely tired. I have also lost approximately 15 lbs since starting on it and have started to loose my hair. However my doctor said that I would not loose all of my hair it would just make it thinner. I am also a Diet Coke person and have noticed that it tastes like metal. At times I have noticed a little bit of blurred vision but not too often nor have I had memory loss. As of yet I haven't had any kidney problems but I have noticed that my IBS has been a lot worse. I am not sure if that is from taking the Topomax or just effects from the Fibromyalgia. In the beginning I noticed a lot of numbness and tingling in my feet and hands but that has gone away after time. I am going to continue taking the Topomax as long as I can, it is wonderful not having the migraines anymore.

Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 3:57 pm
by P.J.
I have been taking Topomax for approximately 8 months now for migraines and Fibromyalgia. I am currently taking 75 mg at night. The migraines have decreased tremendously but I am extremely tired. I have also lost approximately 15 lbs since starting on it and have started to loose my hair. However my doctor said that I would not loose all of my hair it would just make it thinner. I am also a Diet Coke person and have noticed that it tastes like metal. At times I have noticed a little bit of blurred vision but not too often nor have I had memory loss. As of yet I haven't had any kidney problems but I have noticed that my IBS has been a lot worse. I am not sure if that is from taking the Topomax or just effects from the Fibromyalgia. In the beginning I noticed a lot of numbness and tingling in my feet and hands but that has gone away after time. I am going to continue taking the Topomax as long as I can, it is wonderful not having the migraines anymore.