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Re: Topomax

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 7:24 pm
by admin
But what did you replace the topomax with? I feel the same way. Lack of concentration, no mind control. I have been on it for 2 years. 200mg and my work is suffering and my boss is complaining and now my migranes are actually getting worse. I am afraid of going higher?

Re: Topomax

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 11:41 am
by admin
> hi, my psychiatrist just prescriped topomax for me
> for an eating disorder. about three years ago, i was
> a restrictive eater (maybe slightly anorexic, not
> sure) and weighed about 95 lbs. then i developed a
> binge eating disorder, but never picked up purging.
> my doctor prescriped topomax to try to help stop the
> binging, and i'm really hoping to loss weight on it.
> i now weigh about 125 (i'm 5'4"). i'm just a
> a little scared about the other side effects,
> specifically, the depression part because i have been
> diagnosed with depression.

You sound like me. 5'4" 125. I was on Depakote. Used to weigh about 110. Solid muscle, and they put me on that crap. Gained 20 pounds! 20 pounds! People don't understand that that is still 3 pant sizes--even though they think "you're soo tiny!" it's so annoying! I'm hoping to lose the weight too if only not to waste the whoooole closet full of work clothes I have. I will not spend more money on more clothes.

Re: Topomax

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 11:16 pm
by admin
I am on Topomax and lost 15 pounds in 2 months. That was nice, but the depression has hit hard. Be careful about that. I was never depressed before the Topomax. I hope it does well for you. I'm taking it because of headaches. I'm on 200mg per day. It hasnt helped me at all. I go see the Dr. next month. He'll probably put me on something else.
You dont crave the sweet things anymore with topomax. That's what I liked. Anyway good luck!

Re: Topomax

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 2:10 pm
by admin
> I have ocular migraines which means I go blind
> instead of getting pain like a normal migraine
> sufferer. I have been on Verapamil but my doctor
> wants to switch me to Topamax because of the side
> effects I am having from Verapamil. I am worried
> about the side effects of Topamax. He wants me to
> take 1 25 mg tab at bedtime. Do you think i will
> have a problem with that dosage? I am not worried
> about the weight loss since I am 60 lbs overweight,
> but I don't want the depression, aggravation, etc.

Kathy- when I read your message I almost cried - I've never read anyone else that had blindness kind of like me - I had an accident in Dec 06 02 - I Had boxes filled with copy paper fall on me and I sustained a spinal cord injury (c-4 c-5) I WAS paralyzed for 3 days but all my sensation and mobility has returned what hasn't returned completely has been my vision. I have what they have termed as "transient blindness". I lose my vision several times a day - completely. I am also taking topomax for the headaches and have found only a few problems with it. If you could e-mail me back I would truly appreciate it....thank you...:)

Re: Topomax

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 5:47 pm
by admin
Way to go angel. Paul sounded way out of line. I enjoyed your post by the way.

Re: Topomax

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 8:38 pm
by admin
Paul-does tpbi or whatever the injury is cause one to be extremely angry. I see much anger in all of your posts, which for the life of me I cannot see the reasoning.

Maybe being irrational is a side effect of some of the medications you are on, if any.

I wish you much luck in conquering this self destructive behaviour.

Sincerely, CRISTI

Re: Topomax

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 1:26 pm
by admin
My dauther takes Depakote for her migraine prevention (also a siezure med like topomax), and she gained about 20 lbs. but works very well in preventing her migraines. You might ask to try that if you haven't already.

Re: Topomax

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 4:27 pm
by admin
Health plan does not cover brand name medications. Unfortunately, there is no generic for Topiramate. Does anyone know where to get Topomax for pennies on the dollar?

Re: Topomax

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 11:55 am
by admin
I started taking Topomax two weeks ago as of today 02/26/04 for bi polar /and also a mood stabalizer , also my doctor weined me off of paxil which i didnt need because i was not depressed but that actually made me loose weight go figure!!! lol I take two Topomax at bedtime. I have lost one pound. I did change my eating habits and starting working out at the gym 3 times a week. So im hoping also that will help me loose the weight. But as far as loosing it with this medicine i havent seen any drastic results this soon. I would assume it would take just a bit longer. If anyone has any helpful information as to the weightloss of this drug please let me know.

Re: Topomax

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 3:06 am
by jennfaery
Hello, I don't have a TBI but I do have migraines. I have since I was 12 and I am 21 now. I am on 25 mg of topomax and have been taking it for a little under a month. Like most of the other people who have responded the side effects are horrendous. I have been having terrible mood swings, blurred vision, feeling fuzzy, pain and coldness in my extremities, loss of concentration, even suicidal thoughts. I have been debating on if I should just stop taking it or wait to see if the side effects wear off but I don't think I can take much more. It hasn't even help with my headaches and so far no weight loss that I can see. I'm going to give it a few more weeks and see if the side effects go away. I really want topomax to work but I am so tired of being in pain all the time. Does anyone know of any medicine that will make my moods stabilize and still be able to take topomax? Thanks.:)