
Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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Re: neurontin

Post by pebbles »

hi yes im on it and have been for about 6 months.Im on a small dose of 300mg twice a day but I think it is helping me as I also take a forte pain killer now anf then but not as much as i use email you like to chat about it ect
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Re: neurontin

Post by admin »

if you take this, do you research first. be warned. i was taking it for about 3 months. i was up to 2100mgs a day. i was like a zombie. foggy, unbalanced, couldnt see always, limited memory, gained weight, poor motor skills, it was awful. my pain (from a syrinx surgery) did (for the most part) go away- so that was the one good thing, but it was a small price to pay for ALL the OVERWHELMING side effects.
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Re: neurontin

Post by admin »

I had a spinal cord injury in July 2002 and tried Neurontin for 3 months., It did not help at all and despite the MD recommendation that I continue, I stopped taking it and I'm glad I did. I still live with the pain daily (R arm) but I am medication free. I am going to have a spinal cord stimulator implanted in October....any comments ?? I just keep trying to hold out and control the pain with meditation, but it's just not working.....
What no one will tell me is....does the nerve ever regenerate and the pain goes away ??? Even if I knew it would be another 5 years, but I need to know that I dont have to live the rest of my life like this....
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Re: neurontin

Post by admin »

I was given Neurontin by my Neurologist. I had a "mini-stroke" when I was 3 months pregnant. When I was 6 months along, my Neurologist told me that I had a blood vessel in my brain that didn't constrict right, which caused the Transient Ischemic Attack.
I am soo confused.
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Re: neurontin

Post by admin »

Hi Michael here, I am gabapentin 300mg between 4 and 5 times a day. I have right bpi injury since May this year. Nerve transplant 8 weeks ago. I find the gabapentin probably helps to a cetain degree. But still have pain every day to varying degrees. When really bad and cant sleep or get control of it, I take some endone as well. Have not noticed any side effects as yet. Does not make me dazed or non alert and can still do most things without the use of one arm. I find that I get really tired from a bad day of pain. It really wears me out when it is bad and I get exhausted from the intensity.

Have noticed since operation that the pain was at a nominal level, but over last few days the intensity of the pain has increased, but the time frame at which it hits me has decreased. Can't quite understand what is happening here maybe things are starting to get together since the op or maybe not. Sometimes the intensity of the pain puts me on the floor and no amount of gabapentin helps at all. Hope that you have luck.... regards Michael