Time delay

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery

Re: Time delay

Post by George »

Am indeed doing well, Ronnie. You'll be back on that bike before too long......so hang in there. I remember all too well the battery of tests. Hopefully they'll be over soon and you'll have a clear map of how to go on. Chin up.........keep a good attitude.........good luck with your treatment !


Hi Jen.........

Post by George »

.......things are rockin' right on. And thanks for asking :o) I think I'm actually working harder now that about 30% of my work duties were changed to accomodate the injury.......but hey.......not complaining. The distraction (as you well know) is quite welcome. And........with a 15 year old that can't stay off the phone with her squeeze, well, I don't get the puter near as much these days. Kind of makes me long for the diaper changing days again.

Know its winter down there.....so stay bundled. By the way.........glad to hear the kitty is recovering :o)

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Joined: Wed May 21, 2003 9:46 pm

Re: Time delay

Post by RonnieV »

Hi George,

I'm sure glad to hear you are doing well, I took everyones advice and have a meeting with my attorney 9:30 Monday morning to let hin know how I am getting the run around regarding all these tests, the state can't keep denying them, everything I seem to be reading or getting advice on is that I can not let this go on forever the accident was over 3 months ago, and still no definitive answer from the state for the requested tests. So that is where I am at for now. I hope you remain to be well......
Take Care.....