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Re: Hello ?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 4:03 am
by kd's daddy
what was soooooo bad that I wrote?. I think you all are taking this abit too far .

Re: Hello ?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 6:09 am
by Christopher
Very simply... all of it...

"Faith not really sitting waiting on the computer all day waiting for someone to post. a little busy ya know a job! a family! a life ! this subject is very important to me however I dont live for a poster."

-Faith not really sitting waiting on the computer all day waiting for someone to post

when you've lost the life as you knew it and loved it (career, relationship, ability, physicality, etc, etc) you will sit day after day, night after night scouring the world's resources over trying to find any answer, cure, or help!

-a little busy ya know a job!

Well... I lost my job because of this injury and plan B,C, & D don't work either with just one functioning arm!

-a family!

Girlfriend of three years couldn't "handle" the "changes" and split!

-a life !

Never thought I'd ever know the true desire for suicide, but now I do!

-this subject is very important to me however I dont live for a poster.

This place happens to be the one and only place I know someone truly understands the immense tragic change and difficulty that comes with this injury!
By the age of 30 I'd been shot, stabbed (multiple times) and had cancer. The pain that this injury brings on makes all those experiences a walk in the park compared!

I understand you have NO idea what this injury is like, or you wouldn't respond the way you have. I wouldn't know unless I lived it, but I hope I'd have the sense to be sensitive enough to listen to those DO have to live it if I didn't.

I don't like joining petty snip-snip arguments and thought you'd squash this one by simply saying 'whoa... didn't realize I'd offended, sorry" but the ignorance of you last remark made me wish for the first time in three years that both of my arms were working... so I could put them to use in someone's defense. As you can see, you stepped on a live wire here, wish it never happened.

Re: Hello ?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 9:17 am
by cbe411
Christopher, you hit that one rihgt on the head! THANK YOU for jumping in and expressing feelings that some are not willing to share! I agree with you all the way!

COurt :)

Re: Hello ?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 4:52 pm
by jennyb
Thank you Christopher, you put it really well. When I looked in last night and saw that last comment from this person I had to log out immediately, I could never have explained as well as you have and I was angrier than I have been for years. I think everyone has been amazingly polite under extreme provocation. I do think we may be wasting our time, some people really don't seem to have the capacity to empathise with others.
Take care all :0)

Re: Hello ?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 7:20 pm
by 3sweetiepies
Unfortunately, there are people who cause problems on every board they look at. They think that their opinion is so great that everyone wants to hear from them. I am sorry if any new people were offended. I do not suffer from TBPI, but I have a very severe OBPI child. I understand that they are very different, but wanted to lend you my support to let you know that not everyone is insensitive and rude. Many people do not understand that often the "life" of someone suffering with a TBPI is ripped away and this board is all they have where there are people who understand them and are like them. It really is a shame that some parents do not "get" this.... this could easily be their child in 15 years or so...

Re: Hello ?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 8:28 pm
by hope16_05
Just thought that I would say that some of the feeling of the TBPI members have are shared by the OBPI membors as well. When I first foung the boards I felt so alone and came back every second that I could just to talk to people that understand. I was a 9th grader at the time. For some of us just waiting for a reply is what helps us get through another day. Kd's dad, your post was truly inappropriate! I can only hope you will understand that what you said was not right and hurtful and appologize. Maybe when your KD is much older you will be better able to understand.
Amy 18 ROBPI from MN

Re: Hello ?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:24 am
by admin
get over it already

Re: Hello ?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 10:44 pm
by admin
So much for being "man enough" to apologize!

I feel so sorry for poor KD with such a man for a father. With that sort of empathy, I hope they've put away some of her settlement for psychotherapy later on to help her deal with her injury... because obviously Dad is not going to be much assistance!!!

Re: Hello ?

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:55 am
by Henry
I work, have kids to raise, a dog to feed, and a house to keep up, but I am this board daily to see what is happening. This is my community in a way that citizens will never understand. Everyday I see courage and sacrifice and nobility in the face of excruciating pain and soul searing adversity.

This board lifts me, inspires me, comforts me, and makes my day -- every day.


Re: Hello ?

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 12:10 am
by admin