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Re: Was your baby cranky?

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 3:25 pm
by admin
I am not a guest- I am Trent's mom-it won't let me log on for some reason. Trent (8 month ROBP) is very cranky and always has been. He won't sleep more than an hour at a time and is up every hour at night. He never wakes up happy, it is always screaming. He has not any any surgery, he won't need primary, but will likely need some type of secondary, for winging and supination. I know he is in pain, he bites his arm constantly. Everyone says it is teething- I don't think so. We have changed his diet, tried all the sleep tricks, you name it. He has been cutting teeth his whole life. His first 2 teeth came at 3 months and still gets a new one weekly,he is up to 12 teeth already. I think it is a combination of things for Trent, digestive issues and colic as an infant, teeth for what seems like for ever, and his arm. In addition, we were so sunggly with him when he was newborn b/c of his injury, I think he has come to expect constant attention. He can't stand to be alone. Whatever the case it is difficult to have fussy baby, it breaks your heart and drives you up the wall at the same time. I can only hope it gets better with age. It helps when wou know you're not alone-I am so jealous of people who have good sleeper. Looking back my first one was a great sleeper and always cheerful, I didn't know how good I had it.


Re: Was your baby cranky?

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 4:46 pm
by Connie&Andrew
My son was kind of cranky when he was a baby, though not as bad as some other posters. I think some of it was attributable to his injury, and some was just his personality. I have had 6 kids so I have seen a wide range of behaviors in babies. One thing I do remember is at one point whenever we bathed him he would scream. It didn't last too long, maybe a few weeks. I later found out that when the water touched his arm, it probably hurt. It's terrible to think of those little ones going through all of that pain.

Good luck with your little one and his recovery.


Re: Was your baby cranky?

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 6:30 pm
by Kath
I hope Trent finds comfort soon.
Even though I never slept and fussed and cried that first year.
I was cheerful baby according to my older brother.
I complained until they stopped bracing me at 11 months old.
I was braced 24/7 except for therapy that first year.
I still can't stand anyone to try and restrain my hands.

For as long as I can remember I woke up cheerful in the morning...
My husband asked me not to get up and make his breakfast, in the morning, when we first got married because I was so wide awake.
My children were not as happy they like to stay in the fog their not cranky but they are not alert in the morning.
I may not sleep much but at least I am not cranky.
I have no paitence for cranky people in the morning I try to aviod them... LOL...
I hope the obpi babies who don't sleep much now are soon happy little cheerful little campers.
Kath (adult/obpi)