c section versus vaginal birth after OBPI

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Tanya in NY
Posts: 935
Joined: Mon May 03, 2004 10:51 am
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: I am Mom to Amber, injured at birth. I serve on the Board of Directors for UBPN, and am a labor/delivery nurse, too.
Location: NY State

Re: c section versus vaginal birth after OBPI

Post by Tanya in NY »

Dear Sarah,

Congratulations on your upcoming special delivery!

The question you pose of cesarean vs. vaginal is a good one, but one WE unfortunately can only offer opinions on with some statistics. We all wish we could make this decision very clean cut and easy for you.

Here is my personal opinion, as the mother to Amber (2 1/2 years old and ROBPI) and Casey (10 years old, SD, no injury) AND as a labor and delivery nurse:

Go with your gut!!! Simple as it sounds, research the information, ask your current doctor what their statistics are with SD and BPI injuries, ask how this doctor would handle a SD, ask if this doctor would be the guaranteed person to do the delivery (and if not, you need to speak with the other doctors who may be available for delivery), ask what maneuvers they have used in the past for SD and if they were successful, ask what is the doctor's & hospital's protocol for monitoring/laboring of women so you can clarify that you wish to labor/push while NOT on your back (preferrably in an upright position, side lying, or hands/knees). ASK, ASK, ASK...then go with your gut.

Myself personally, I would still try another vaginal delivery if I were to have more children, but this is easier said for me because I will never have more children. I think I would choose this method even though I had a SD with my first (9 lb 12 oz) with no injury and a SD with my second (8 lb 3 oz) with ROBPI. The difference between these two deliveries were not only the weight (interestingly enough my injured daughter was 1 1/2 lbs LESS than my uninjured son), but that the first was unmedicated and pushed/labored upright, while the second was medicated/epidural, and delivered on my back per the hospital policy. My children were born at 2 different hospitals.

I know as some people are reading this post, then may be cringing at the thought of me saying I would choose another vaginal delivery after my previous 2 experiences and may even be thinking "how could she risk it?" I know I am in the minority. I still believe this would be the correct choice for ME and it is my opinion only, and not my advice. Just my two cents.

Good luck with your decision and your delivery.

Tanya in NY
Tanya in NY
Amber's Mom, ROBPI, 13 years old
Posts: 1395
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Re: c section versus vaginal birth after OBPI

Post by m&mmom »


I haven't read through all the posts on the thread, however I tend to agree with Tanya's thoughts. After having two bpi deliveries, knowing what I know today I would attempt a vagianal delivery with my third (I'm no longer able to have children so it's not really an option). But anyway if I were able to have another one, I would montior my sugar levels, I would not give birth on my back, and I would do it without the drugs.

But most importantly, as Tanya stated, ask and go with your gut.

Good luck and let us know how you make out.

Posts: 85
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Re: c section versus vaginal birth after OBPI

Post by sarahmae »

(HI Cindy mom to melanie and Matthew?) the baby dropped and I am not measuring so big!! I think I am going to give it some more time. I am only 34 weeks.
Angela Butterfly
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Re: c section versus vaginal birth after OBPI

Post by Angela Butterfly »

Sarah, I wish you, your entire family, and your new baby only the best, with whatever decision you make. I hope to read in a few weeks all about the Joyous Birth, of your special little one.